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Call audits


I heard that some reps (all reps?) are getting letters sent to their doctors confirming that the rep came by and asking if rep spoke off label etc. None of my doctors have mentioned this to me yet but how many of you have heard this? Are they sending to all doctors or just higher ranked ones?

I heard that some reps (all reps?) are getting letters sent to their doctors confirming that the rep came by and asking if rep spoke off label etc. None of my doctors have mentioned this to me yet but how many of you have heard this? Are they sending to all doctors or just higher ranked ones?

I've heard of confirming signatures but not calls. Anyone else?

So-what happens when we leave items in waiting rooms and the doctor doesn't see them? So many reps make up calls, so that is the reason. Smart move. If you have DE you better make sure you have a decent call avg (above zone and nation) and not making up calls. She freaks out about this- is what she did to her old reps. It is hard because some people have larger territories, but she doesn't care. She expects you to figure it out, and RD's, be prepared. She doesn't want to hear excuses.

One of my providers just told me that she got one of these too. She asked me if everything was ok with Shire when she told me about it. This doesn't exactly paint a pretty picture about the company. I realize that unfortunately this may be necessary, but the follow up rate is going to be so inconsistent that its most likely pointless.

One of my providers just told me that she got one of these too. She asked me if everything was ok with Shire when she told me about it. This doesn't exactly paint a pretty picture about the company. I realize that unfortunately this may be necessary, but the follow up rate is going to be so inconsistent that its most likely pointless.

It is not necessary at all.

That is interesting. What did they ask the doctor in the letter? Did your doc tell you?

The letter also asks if the rep said anything off label. I have also known other doctors to get surveys asking if the rep talked about certain things like delivery systems, prodrug technology, abuse related liking effect, etc.

Wow, increasing the amount of junk mail doctors receive and providing more administrative work. Even if it is just throwing it away. Great idea, Shire. Way to make us reps even less valuable in the eyes of a provider. I would rather Shire insert a microchip in my butt. This really hurts our credibility. If our company doesn't trust us, why should the office?

Wow, increasing the amount of junk mail doctors receive and providing more administrative work. Even if it is just throwing it away. Great idea, Shire. Way to make us reps even less valuable in the eyes of a provider. I would rather Shire insert a microchip in my butt. This really hurts our credibility. If our company doesn't trust us, why should the office?

I was thinking the same thing! I think many docs would think similarly!

There is no way docs are answering mass mailers. Never gonna happen.

Doesn't matter if they are answering or not. The issue is we lose creditability when they receive these mailers. The fact that physicians are bringing it to the reps attention says a lot. As a rep, this is embarrassing and makes us all look very bad.

First and foremost, if the doctor is sent a mailer and replies to it; it is an opinion of the doctor; not a factual recorded documentation. It could easily become a he said she said.

Second how many doctors on the company's list who were sent a mailer have had their license suspended/revoked/reinstated because of unethical behavior (in some cases lying).

If an individual can show factual documentation that this is the case with even one doctor that received a mailer, then the whole mailer topic could become null and invalid and could potentially create a lot of direct unwanted exposure and open a huge can of worms.

until one of my offices show me a letter, ill call bullshit on this

Call BS if you like - This is ABSOLUTELY happening everyday now. But friends ... Do not be alarmed - and do not fake calls. No One is ever fired for having call averages below the line. People are fired all the time for what they do in fear of these audits... (ie. fake signatures and entering fake calls) just don't do it. You may get heat and pressure to increase call numbers - BUT YOU WILL NEVER BE FIRED!. Enter Fake Calls/Fake Signatures - then they can prove it and fire you for fraud. This is Gospel! do as you wish