California consolidation?

All other SoCal Valeant businesses will also be moved to the Irvine location by the end of 2013, it was just that the Aliso Surgical group had to move sooner than originally planned.

And if you'd ever seen the B+L Surgical building in Aliso, you'd know that a lot of money will be saved by that move. They were in a fairly new, beautiful and modern building with many amenities; moving to a concrete tilt-up in Irvine will certainly be a big step down for them...

All other SoCal Valeant businesses will also be moved to the Irvine location by the end of 2013, it was just that the Aliso Surgical group had to move sooner than originally planned.

And if you'd ever seen the B+L Surgical building in Aliso, you'd know that a lot of money will be saved by that move. They were in a fairly new, beautiful and modern building with many amenities; moving to a concrete tilt-up in Irvine will certainly be a big step down for them...

'Bout freakin time. There was not enough value added activity out there to justify those kinds of lavish accommodations. They'll do just kind with the same kind of military style meager surroundings the rest of us have.