Cain Starts to Backtrack 999


Already Cain is talking "loopholes" and "carve outs" for his absolutely ridiculous plan, which will never see the light of day. Cain is like every other conservatard with a tax plan. They don't work.
And for the intellectually challenged poster who thinks that liberals pick on Cain because he is black, no, no, no, it is because his plans are STUPID

Already Cain is talking "loopholes" and "carve outs" for his absolutely ridiculous plan, which will never see the light of day. Cain is like every other conservatard with a tax plan. They don't work.
And for the intellectually challenged poster who thinks that liberals pick on Cain because he is black, no, no, no, it is because his plans are STUPID

Hey it's great to find common ground with libtards. The reason I hate Obama is because his plans are IN FACT STUPID!