Cafepharma, please explain

  • cafead   Oct 03, 2019 at 12:10: AM
Because we allow anonymous/unregistered posting, Cafepharma has had an issue with trolls and spammers. In an effort to minimize these types of posts, for years we have been using a filter that looks for certain words in posts and puts the posts in a moderation queue before they go live. The words are ones that are common in the troll and/or spammer posts. Unfortunately, this will sometimes catch other posts as well. Moderators review the queued posts and the legitimate posts go live, while the spam or trolling posts do not. During the day this may take a few minutes to a few hours. Sometimes, posts are also stopped because they are in obvious violation of our posting policies. If you aren't trolling or personally attacking identified individuals, your posts should be approved.

In addition, posts on particular boards, such as Ask the Webmaster and the Ask an attorney boards are always put through the moderation queue before going live. Sometimes, if there are an extreme amount of posting violations occurring on a particular company board, we will also place this company board on full moderation, but only temporarily.

When posting replies on an existing thread, avoid quoting other earlier posts unless absolutely necessary. The word or phrase sending the post to moderation may be in the quoted post(s), and this will help minimize the chance that your posts are sent through the queue.

We know that the moderation queue can be frustrating at times, but it is necessary to keep the boards usable and open to anonymous posting.

your explanation in no way explains my concern. Every single post I make on this board, regardless of what I say is run thru a moderator.

in fact, when I posted this very (thread which in no way is trolling, nor does it violate any terms), this actual thread went through the moderator.

Please explain why this new post would have gone through a moderator. Exactly what in my question necessitated a moderator?

  • cafead   Oct 03, 2019 at 09:54: AM
your explanation in no way explains my concern. Every single post I make on this board, regardless of what I say is run thru a moderator.

in fact, when I posted this very (thread which in no way is trolling, nor does it violate any terms), this actual thread went through the moderator.

Please explain why this new post would have gone through a moderator. Exactly what in my question necessitated a moderator?
As I mentioned earli
your explanation in no way explains my concern. Every single post I make on this board, regardless of what I say is run thru a moderator.

in fact, when I posted this very (thread which in no way is trolling, nor does it violate any terms), this actual thread went through the moderator.

Please explain why this new post would have gone through a moderator. Exactly what in my question necessitated a moderator?

I do understand your frustration.

As I mentioned above, sometimes we put a particular board on full moderation for a period of time where every post is reviewed before going live. I checked with the moderators, and it has recently been the case with this board. For now, we're removing the moderation.

However, I believe that this thread may still be pulled through the moderation queue, simply because it is mentioning moderation, as that's the only way we can see when questions are being asked about moderation policies when they're posted on company boards.