Cafepharma Played a Big Part in the demise of Pharma


This happens to get a great website, however may people destroyed the industry but posting all their little secrets....working 10-2. Scanning expense reports and the list goes on and on. All of you gave high visibility to the sham that has gone on in this industry. Perhaps if most of you kept your mouths shut some more jobs may be availalbe.

So when you brag about part time're all getting what you deserve! NOTHING


This happens to get a great website, however may people destroyed the industry but posting all their little secrets....working 10-2. Scanning expense reports and the list goes on and on. All of you gave high visibility to the sham that has gone on in this industry. Perhaps if most of you kept your mouths shut some more jobs may be availalbe.

So when you brag about part time're all getting what you deserve! NOTHING

Seriously? I would gather that less than 3% of the people on this board are outside or naive to the industry. Meaning we are sharing “secrets” amongst ourselves. There have been so many articles, books and even movies that spilled the proverbial beans well before CP had a huge following or even existed. The reason there are less sales jobs is simple and threefold. First the industry grossly expanded in the 1990’s. Having 8 reps in a POD calling on the same primary care doc weekly and at some companies more often than that was bad idea, our customers told us so, and the industry accurately listened and lowered the sales rep headcount and minimized the POD selling model. Second many big revenue/big profit drugs went off patent. Lastly the consolidation of the industry has rightly lead to fewer jobs. When Pfizer bought Wyeth they certainly didn’t need the entirety of each sales force to sell their drugs, thus wisely sales people, among other positions were let go. If you do not have a need to have 3000 sales reps why would you? This is business plain and simple. Café Pharma had zero to do with your perceived destruction of the industry.

I’m curious as to what you think has been “destroyed” in this industry. Reps, even when adjusted for inflation, are making more money than they ever had in previous eras. There are specialty reps who make over $200K a year. That didn’t happen 15 years ago. Our benefits are still very desirable and competitive with other industries. Just because there are fewer “sales jobs” doesn’t mean the industry is ‘destroyed”. It is merely changing and adjusting to the market dynamics that exists today that did not exists 10 to 20 years ago. I get it, change sucks and is never fun, but it has changed because business and business models always change. Who’d of thought 20 years ago you would by your TV set from a computer on a thing called a ‘website’ or you could buy and sell stocks from your desk on a ‘website’. We used to not see the close of the Dow until the 6 O’clock news or in the paper the next day. I think what you want is the ‘way it was’…well that is never going to happen, but that doesn’t mean the industry is “destroyed”.

OP, you're dumber than a box of rocks....What has killed the pharma industry is the GREED of the pharma companies. Also having 5 or 6 reps touting the same company line daily to docs who have real patients to see. Not to mention over 1/2 of the "new" drugs were basically worthless and "me too" drugs...oh, and let's not forget about the formularies that won't cover a drug that costs $160/mo when a generic is $4/mo. Ever wonder why drugs are so much cheaper in every country except USA? The import taxes are staggering -- somebody's going to pay for it, and it's the patient, because insurance won't.

I guess I'd agree with you if I had an IQ of 65.

  • Wonka   Oct 03, 2011 at 07:56: PM
No, good drugs going generic (as they should), inept consultants, people with degrees in marketing that thought they were automatically smart, and the biggest reason PHARMA itself, played the biggest roles in the demise of pharma.

This happens to get a great website, however may people destroyed the industry but posting all their little secrets....working 10-2. Scanning expense reports and the list goes on and on. All of you gave high visibility to the sham that has gone on in this industry. Perhaps if most of you kept your mouths shut some more jobs may be availalbe.

So when you brag about part time're all getting what you deserve! NOTHING

My God you are an idiot.

just saying

No, good drugs going generic (as they should), inept consultants, people with degrees in marketing that thought they were automatically smart, and the biggest reason PHARMA itself, played the biggest roles in the demise of pharma.

What’s the demise in your opinion? I don’t see demise. The Bio/Pharm companies are still making great profits, still creating new therapies, and still a very attractive industry to work in. I don’t see demise. It has changed from the rep’s standpoint to be sure, but that is just change to the overall business model not a demise in the totality of the industry.

OP, you're dumber than a box of rocks....What has killed the pharma industry is the GREED of the pharma companies. Also having 5 or 6 reps touting the same company line daily to docs who have real patients to see. Not to mention over 1/2 of the "new" drugs were basically worthless and "me too" drugs...oh, and let's not forget about the formularies that won't cover a drug that costs $160/mo when a generic is $4/mo. Ever wonder why drugs are so much cheaper in every country except USA? The import taxes are staggering -- somebody's going to pay for it, and it's the patient, because insurance won't.

I guess I'd agree with you if I had an IQ of 65.

Well for a guy with a 65 IQ I'm doing pretty well. I have a device job now. What about you? Still collecting signatures and delivering food? PILL BOY!

What’s the demise in your opinion? I don’t see demise. The Bio/Pharm companies are still making great profits, still creating new therapies, and still a very attractive industry to work in. I don’t see demise. It has changed from the rep’s standpoint to be sure, but that is just change to the overall business model not a demise in the totality of the industry.

THe demise is the value that the rep has today/ That is very little. Not saying 100%..but 90% + offer no value to the physicians.

Years ago the "detail rep" was a highly repsected job. The pharma industry is not destroyed..however the rep job certainly is. Many many doctors are familiar with cafepharma. They read it for amusement. When they read the garbage that most of these asses post on here it just solidifies their thoughts of the rep.

NO VALUE! IGNORANT, LACK OF INTELLEGENCE! Now go get off your soap box and get a real sales job. You are NOT repsected by anyone.

They don't need to hear about PPI's or 15 year old quinilones. The docs laugh at all of you.

Like I said.....ZERO value.

Have a nice day!

The industry is going through a natural adjustment right now. Some of the reason mentioned above aqre accurate as being contributing factors. When the mega companies started to put on thousands of reps that were not necessary to fit the reach and frequency model, the problems really began. Too few knowledgeable reps, too few training programs as to how to conduct business in a physician's office, access difficulty increasing, and insurance controls over formulary and physicians writing habits have forced a downturn. We don't need and never needed 100,000 repentatives nationally.

A physician cannot see that many reps and still maintain the pressure of seeing more and more patients for less and less negotiated money from insurance companies. It is sad that the large firms have been sold this "if we can't get 15 minutes with a physician then we will get one minute--fifteen times" mentality. Like Lemmings to the sea, all companies fell into that trap. This forced the eventual downsizing of thousands and started this current adjustment.

I don't agree that this is a an overly greedy industry. That is as media contrived perception. After being in the business for 35 years, i can tell you the physicians today have more and far superior drugs and products to work with then in the 70's for most disease states. The pursuit of a better product benefits the public immensely. I also know that the CEO's of this industry are far less compensated that other professions (financial insitutions jumps out first).

This board does not play a part in the current perception of the public. You have to underastand that these are very few people creating such a negative attitude and the mass majority are people trying to do the right thing. I think everyone has the right to complain about something they are going through but I do not particularly like the slander and accusatiins towards specific people. It seems cowardly to attack certain names when they have no way of responding.

This happens to get a great website, however may people destroyed the industry but posting all their little secrets....working 10-2. Scanning expense reports and the list goes on and on. All of you gave high visibility to the sham that has gone on in this industry. Perhaps if most of you kept your mouths shut some more jobs may be availalbe.

So when you brag about part time're all getting what you deserve! NOTHING

Yeah either that or the "patent cliff" and complete lack of an innovative pipeline. Oh yeah, and "me too" drugs.

No, cafepharma has nothing to do with it. Pharmas business model of the mid-90's hayday is dated and will not work in todays environment.


No, cafepharma has nothing to do with it. Pharmas business model of the mid-90's hayday is dated and will not work in todays environment.


You are a tool. And totally off base by the way.

I read a fable once as a kid. It goes something like this, A rich princess got lost in the forest one day and it got dark and she lost her way. It started raining and in the darkness gettting through the brush her clothes got torn, and her expensive jewlery was lost. She finally made it to a cottage and knocked on the door. She stood there hungry and scared. The person answered the door and despite her pauper appearance, recognized her as the princess. She told this person, "Im so hungry, feed me! Make me your finest soup, and I will pay you dearly." "For every little "bubble" or circle of sustinance in it I will pay you one piece of gold." With stars in thier eyes the inn keeper went back to the kitchen to make thier "richest" soup. They added oil, they added butter, they added lard and they added the fat of every animal they had on hand. When they were finished there was so much in it, it all quagulated into one large circle at the top of the soup.

This is exactly what the pharmaceutical industry did to this job


You are a tool. And totally off base by the way.

I read a fable once as a kid. It goes something like this, A rich princess got lost in the forest one day and it got dark and she lost her way. It started raining and in the darkness gettting through the brush her clothes got torn, and her expensive jewlery was lost. She finally made it to a cottage and knocked on the door. She stood there hungry and scared. The person answered the door and despite her pauper appearance, recognized her as the princess. She told this person, "Im so hungry, feed me! Make me your finest soup, and I will pay you dearly." "For every little "bubble" or circle of sustinance in it I will pay you one piece of gold." With stars in thier eyes the inn keeper went back to the kitchen to make thier "richest" soup. They added oil, they added butter, they added lard and they added the fat of every animal they had on hand. When they were finished there was so much in it, it all quagulated into one large circle at the top of the soup.

This is exactly what the pharmaceutical industry did to this job


Actually, your post is very "tool" like.

You make no sense.

The other guy got it right.

Actually, your post is very "tool" like.

You make no sense.

The other guy got it right.

Well of course you don't understand, you're just a pharma rep. I won't hold that against you. Read it again and have an adult explain it to you.

The point is the industry did it to themselves, they were greedy, they thought flooding the doctors offices with more reps (younger/cheaper) would yield more sales. The model came back and bit them in the ass. Doctors offices closing their doors to us, over-regulation and lack of inovation (too many useless me-too products).

You are a tool. And totally off base by the way.

I read a fable once as a kid. It goes something like this, A rich princess got lost in the forest one day and it got dark and she lost her way. It started raining and in the darkness gettting through the brush her clothes got torn, and her expensive jewlery was lost. She finally made it to a cottage and knocked on the door. She stood there hungry and scared. The person answered the door and despite her pauper appearance, recognized her as the princess. She told this person, "Im so hungry, feed me! Make me your finest soup, and I will pay you dearly." "For every little "bubble" or circle of sustinance in it I will pay you one piece of gold." With stars in thier eyes the inn keeper went back to the kitchen to make thier "richest" soup. They added oil, they added butter, they added lard and they added the fat of every animal they had on hand. When they were finished there was so much in it, it all quagulated into one large circle at the top of the soup.


That has to be the dumbest fable I've ever read. Are you sure your Uncle that always wore brown clothes didn't tell you that fable when he had too much to drink at family get-togethers?

Well of course you don't understand, you're just a pharma rep. I won't hold that against you. Read it again and have an adult explain it to you.

The point is the industry did it to themselves, they were greedy, they thought flooding the doctors offices with more reps (younger/cheaper) would yield more sales. The model came back and bit them in the ass. Doctors offices closing their doors to us, over-regulation and lack of inovation (too many useless me-too products).

man, stfu.

Who are you, acting like you know it all?

You must be super sales person?

fnn idiot.