Cadence Marketing Team Sucks


Can you believe no new promotional pieces or studies have been created yet? What a complete joke. What do these people do all day/every day? It will be guaranteed they will have something crappy for the sales force for the national meeting as there will be nothing else to do, but best be assured that it will be very lame. How many monkeys in marketing does it take to create one or two pieces....hmmm, let's see 8 hours a day for 13 straight months and they will probably give us a two page slick. Very WORST marketing team ever. But, the good news is that there are still some scrubs with Cadnce on them that you can purchase with your own money.

Can you believe no new promotional pieces or studies have been created yet? What a complete joke. What do these people do all day/every day? It will be guaranteed they will have something crappy for the sales force for the national meeting as there will be nothing else to do, but best be assured that it will be very lame. How many monkeys in marketing does it take to create one or two pieces....hmmm, let's see 8 hours a day for 13 straight months and they will probably give us a two page slick. Very WORST marketing team ever. But, the good news is that there are still some scrubs with Cadnce on them that you can purchase with your own money.
.hey primary care rep listen up your getting iPads as a surprise now shut up

Yes the marketing team is horrible and it is amazing we have nothing new. If the iPads were even true, it is too little too late and I'm sure they would be company property. Now how about a decent car allowance and 401k match?

I plan to say goodbye to friends at the meeting and good riddance to the people making more promises on stage.

You are so right! I remember going to my regional meeting and the whole underlying feeling then was dread....can't even imagine how people will be now. It is wishful thinking, but I still hope to find something before the meeting....if I can't, I hope to be out shortly thereafter. This nightmare has to end soon!

Well I guess since Cindy the manager of training is gone we won't at least have to endure that horrible study hall cafeteria night! That was so degrading!

ok, admitted troll here who reads a few select boards based on activity. Cadence has by far been the most entertaining. And then guys have a week-long meeting, and at a prior meeting (or training), your training manager had cafeteria study halls? At night? You guys are all reasonably seasoned reps, correct? WTF are you going to be doing for an entire week? Seriously, I would love to know how this goes down. I used to work for a huge pharma company, with products for damn near everything, and I think the longest meeting we ever had was three days.

ok, admitted troll here who reads a few select boards based on activity. Cadence has by far been the most entertaining. And then guys have a week-long meeting, and at a prior meeting (or training), your training manager had cafeteria study halls? At night? You guys are all reasonably seasoned reps, correct? WTF are you going to be doing for an entire week? Seriously, I would love to know how this goes down. I used to work for a huge pharma company, with products for damn near everything, and I think the longest meeting we ever had was three days.
.oh I can help you with that. I AM a DM hear we're all ex primary care reps from your company PriCara, it will take us 5 days to figure out how to turn on the suprise marketing is giving us, the iPad to use in our selling with all the messaging loaded in plus gps to key any eye on us you see as a dm the company bought reptrak a gps monte ring system.

Seriously, does anyone have a clue what we will be doing for an entire week at the national meeting? I am shocked they are making it that long. I am sincerely trying to think of what the agenda would look like. If they do another marketing update, I will vomit. If they do an regulatory segment, I will vomit. Seriously, what an enormous waste of time and money! I also don't want to hear a bunch of empty, worthless promises. Does everyone remember when reps started quitting midyear and RSL wrote the email that everyone that hangs in there will reap the benefits and make a lot of money? Horrible, horrible, horrible. So sorry I fell for the crap in the beginning. My team has made a contest out of it.........the first to get a new job, takes everyone out for drinks! No one wants to be here and certainly no one wants to go to that horrible meeting. Maybe part of the agenda for the meeting will be telling we are switching to a new insurance plan......for the 4th time!

I'm not in your district but can I join in the race to a new job game?....Ill buy you all a drink :)

Sure! I will do anything I can to help a fellow rep to get out of this hell hole! We were all screwed over big time! The faster I can get out of here, the better! Maybe we should up the ante...if you are able to get out before the crappy meeting...the winner buys dinner!