CA to get 34 to 54 months


The charge CA pleaded guilty to is a mandatory 34-54 month sentence , there is no way around it, no money, no contacts, nothing he is going to jail. Granted CA was always a arrogant , nasty person, and a know liar and cheater, but going to jail for 3 years is a long time.

Was it worth Cliff?

Anyone doubts me , I have the plea agreement document, as it is public information and if you know where to look on a law website , or I can post it.

I just feel horrible .

The charge CA pleaded guilty to is a mandatory 34-54 month sentence , there is no way around it, no money, no contacts, nothing he is going to jail. Granted CA was always a arrogant , nasty person, and a know liar and cheater, but going to jail for 3 years is a long time.

Was it worth Cliff?

Anyone doubts me , I have the plea agreement document, as it is public information and if you know where to look on a law website , or I can post it.

I just feel horrible .

I'm sure you do douchebag.

What a dick, you need to worry about yourself.

I'm sure you are the same tool that never made a single number in your life, and wine, moan and complain about everyone else.

He is a good guy, made a mistake, move on

Good guy, are you kidding me? Yes he was a good guy to everyone he meets, it was an act, how can someone be a good guy, who steals? He is now a felon, he is a selfish egomaniac who only cared about himself. DE great guy , gone why? because of the likes of CA, and LC. What about all of the other reps who felt like shit that they were not making goals , but all of LC district did because of cheating. What about all of the other reps who work for other labs who lost money in bonus because of LC, and CA stealing accounts.

Still think he is a nice guy, who made a mistake? If so complain to the attorney general and the judge maybe LC wont have to spend 5 years in jail, pay $850,000 fine, have his family go on welfare, because LC was greedy, and self centered.


People make mistakes. Money is evil and he got greedy. Now he will do some time and he will continue with his life. He didn't kill anyone just bribed doctors who probably asked for the money in the first place. It is what it is. Focus on your life and stop consuming yourself with CA & LC! You want them on welfare well your stupid ass will be paying for it. Moron!!!

They are both successful so your kids should be like them . Just teach your kids not to steal when you already are successful. Best of luck up your children. Let me guess you never made ACE so now your happy 2 people's lives are ruined.

Not at all ,I do not wish anything mad for either LC and CA , I actually hope they do not go to jail, I know both of them and before this happened I thought both were nice guys. I did win ACE twice

They are both successful so your kids should be like them . Just teach your kids not to steal when you already are successful. Best of luck up your children. Let me guess you never made ACE so now your happy 2 people's lives are ruined.

I just read these posts...and am in disbelief. Are you an idiot? I've also won ACE twice, and these 2 clowns are not successful. They are are arrogant pricks who cheated their way to ACE, and trust me, they knowingly made these decisions and it's their fault and responsibility that their own lives are ruined. To say anyone else is happy b/c these guys' lives are "ruined" is ridiculous.

There is no link, my friend is a lawyer , and he was able to find it , it is public information I can't find it on google. I cannot copy and paste because it is in PDF format.

Ask a friend who is lawyer and he can easly find it. Basically there is a point system for these type of crimes and LC total score is 25, under the law, the minimum time he will get is 48 month to 68 max, he must also pay $847,000. Horrible It also says he stole over 7 million dollars, I truly do not believe that. Maybe in lab fees? The law states the Judge must sentence him 48- 68 month. The point system is based on the amount of money you steal from Medicare/ Medicaid .

There is no link, my friend is a lawyer , and he was able to find it , it is public information I can't find it on google. I cannot copy and paste because it is in PDF format.

Ask a friend who is lawyer and he can easly find it. Basically there is a point system for these type of crimes and LC total score is 25, under the law, the minimum time he will get is 48 month to 68 max, he must also pay $847,000. Horrible It also says he stole over 7 million dollars, I truly do not believe that. Maybe in lab fees? The law states the Judge must sentence him 48- 68 month. The point system is based on the amount of money you steal from Medicare/ Medicaid .

The judge must sentence him to a minimum of 48-68 months.....he could get much more time. Maximum is 30 years for both charges. Depends on how much he cooperates, the judge, recommended jail time by prosecutor....and if he gives up any of his other croonies.

Wow, is all I have to say to some of the posters on these boards. To wish CA or LC long jail sentences is way more cruel than getting caught up in a little bit of greed. These guys truly are not horrible people. They were greedy & made mistakes. I also believe in the saying that 'you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.' The Dr's who took bribes are also to blame. It wasnt like these guys were forcing unnecessary meds on patients, they were getting allergy tested for godssake. If anything, I'm sure it helped a little with some of the patients. (lol) Lets be honest here, we all inadvertently ask Dr's to overuse this test daily with our sales messages. Some of these posters are very hateful, & are what many people call 'haters.' People who wish bad on other people bc they are not successful themselves should really use all that negative hateful energy & turn it into something positive for themselves. If & when they go to jail, is this going to make you truly happy? Is this going to help you win ACE? What they did was in fact wrong, but it was not the reason for you being successful or unsucessful in your own territory. It has however made our jobs a little more tedious after the fact bc of their actions. I have been successful with this company year after year & I do agree that our goals are very unrealistic. They need to fix that problem as well. I also think that some of these posters praise DE, which I think is bs, bc he definitely knew what was going on, & if he truly didn't, then he should be let go for not knowing. He's supposed to be the head of the company & should know what is going on in all aspects of the business. With that being said, people should really just give it a rest & move on. I wish everyone success with this company.

For all of the people who are going to make snarky comments on this about me not working, I'm in the waiting room of a dr's office now writing this on my phone. (So if there's sp mistakes, oh well.) & just to reiterate it, I do think what they did was wrong & I don't condone cheating, (except on your diet) but f^cking A, stop with your negative a$$ posts on these guys.

Nothing like a certain class of person who believes illegal activity is understandable because the person is nice.

Actually, this should not have a place in our culture whether or not the "takers" are making him do it.

The whole underground business model is corrupt. And DK is a genius.