Byron York: Grey Old Party (GOP) stumbles into "The Battle of Gettysburg"


Byron York (born 1958) is a conservative American columnist for the Washington Examiner, Fox News contributor, and author who lives in Washington, D.C.

"The Washington Examiner is a political journalism publication based in Washington, D.C., that distributes its content via daily online reports and a weekly magazine.[1] It is owned by MediaDC,[2] a subsidiary of Clarity Media Group,[3] which is owned by Denver billionaire Philip Anschutz[4] and which also owns the influential conservative opinion magazine The Weekly Standard.[5]"

Phillip Anschutz is one of the many Oil fueled billionaires who subsidized money losing Conservative Media like the Weekly Standard, Washington Examiner and creepy Christian themed movies like the Narnia series.

"GOP congressman: We stumbled into war over Obamacare

The congressman began with an anecdote from the Civil War. "I would liken this a little bit to Gettysburg, where a Confederate unit went looking for shoes and stumbled into Union cavalry, and all of a sudden found itself embroiled in battle on a battlefield it didn't intend to be on, and everybody just kept feeding troops into it," the congressman said. "That's basically what's happening now in a political sense. This isn't exactly the fight I think Republicans wanted to have, certainly that the leadership wanted to have, but it's the fight that's here."

Since the Grey Old Party is basically an fat, old, white, Southern Party representing the values represented by the Old South during the Civil War, I think that is an apt analogy used by the Congressman from the GOP and published by a journalist in a magazine that are wholly owned propaganda mouth pieces for the same Grey Old Party.

"The battle involved the largest number of casualties of the entire war[7] and is often described as the war's turning point.[8] "

The South lost the battle and eventually the war and spent the last 150 plus years in squalor and ignorance epitomized by the Jim Crow laws in the South that have gradually ended through the imposition of Civil Rights on the losers of the war. The many "battles "since, school integration, voting rights, interracial marriage, were all forced on these multi-hundred year racists and is still be fought through Obama Care.