Bye, National Sales Directors!

Never thought I’d see this, but they were next in line to be chopped! Who’s next? And appointing 3 to regional directors, what are your thoughts?

Well, just like a movie, you need a script to warrant having a director. What do they direct anyways? In essence, they were sales "neglectors". They would tell managers to sell, in turn, managers tell reps to sell. Stock at a 50-57% decline at 6 months and a year lookback, market cap diving towards a piddly 375 million. Add in the obligatory recurring quarterly earnings smoke and mirrors show to boot. This reminds me of the 2000 Boiler Room movie and our stock is pharrow tech.

Jeff and Will were the only brains left at esperion. Sheldon and Eric are a complete JOKE. J and W were let go for ONE reason, and ONE reason alone - inferiority complex. Neither one of these dumb fucks have any start up experience, one is currently fighting a lawsuit, and the other has no experience in his current role! Seriously, name ONE thing S and E have brought to Esperion that has helped the business? They have definitely managed to fuck up a lot of good that was being done (namely CMM, decision to let NSD’s go, and promoting a RSM to RSD that was a TM less than 5 months ago). 2 COMPLETE FUCK UPS. This shit is OVER! If you aren’t actively seeking another gig then you’re an idiot.

Ashley was an embarrassment. One of Tim's henchman. Total 100% believe in the Scientific Process. Amazing she lasted this long .Huge bonfire in Ann Arbor the last few weeks. Those pesky quarterly reports are the kiss of death.

They had a lot to do with interview process and hiring managers and representatives .
They took recommendations from former colleagues in assembling the sales team so yes they had a lot to do with the launch failure.

Another thrashing on Wall St today. Down 4.2% and finished at a flaccid 13.91. Were so screwed. The market isn't impressed with Sheldon since he took the helm. Were literally lost at sea.

Was Ashley a Scientific Hire ?


Yes and she was all in on the deceitful intial first hires..extract as much info from reps promising them there the only one for the job and after you get everything you need you stick them on a plane going home . What goes around comes around Ashley. Same for Tim and the other degenerates. Payback!!