

"originally posted on the Merck thread"

'Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post'


well, maybe not. I thought for a while that they would partner with Janssen. Looks like janssen is going with Idenix. Yes, JNJ will probably buy them...AFTER they wither up to about a 8-9 Billion $ company. Either way, and even with BID (yes, "Uncle" there I said it... It does look like vertex will get their coveted BID dosed Incivik) dosing, their reps are toast. Who would have guessed that good ole Peg-I (and a soon to be marketed all Oral) would be enough to keep us around to fight another battle (or at least those who remain...God bless their souls).To my many friends at Vertex, I say - "So Sorry"

"originally posted on the Merck thread"

'Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post'


well, maybe not. I thought for a while that they would partner with Janssen. Looks like janssen is going with Idenix. Yes, JNJ will probably buy them...AFTER they wither up to about a 8-9 Billion $ company. Either way, and even with BID (yes, "Uncle" there I said it... It does look like vertex will get their coveted BID dosed Incivik) dosing, their reps are toast. Who would have guessed that good ole Peg-I (and a soon to be marketed all Oral) would be enough to keep us around to fight another battle (or at least those who remain...God bless their souls).To my many friends at Vertex, I say - "So Sorry"

79% and 86%. Incivek is good!