This is gosspel... On a conference call last week, when the subject of low sales in the NE was brought up, the NE RD said, "look at my reps, thats why sales are low".
WOW... Great leadership. Last year it was reimbursement, a disproportionate goal, and the original reps that "sucked". Now that you pushed good individuals to leave (many of whom were respected by DNDN customers) and you fired others and reimbursement is in line what are your excuses? Seriously, take a look in the mirror. It is you who has never been successful. A good leader protects his/her people, shields them from corporate create the noise and distraction by making excuses and turining your back on the individuals that were doing there very best everyday. Instead of helping to solve issues, you chose and choose to stir the pot and deflect to protect yourself. A good leader is honest and can look their charges in the eye... you are certainly no leader. It is time for you to go!