Bye bye Robert; one step closer to life without Peg


The inevitable dismissal of RR means that Joe R is licking is chops to get rid of PF. He no longer has to answer to ROBERT to answer to. Now Peg's judgment day is fast upon us. Justice to be served for the atrocities she committed to so many good individuals in the northeast. A long overdue enema to be served to our self-indulging leader.

The inevitable dismissal of RR means that Joe R is licking is chops to get rid of PF. He no longer has to answer to ROBERT to answer to. Now Peg's judgment day is fast upon us. Justice to be served for the atrocities she committed to so many good individuals in the northeast. A long overdue enema to be served to our self-indulging leader.

Guess Robert will be responsible for his own legal fees.

Hooray! Ball and Greiner have their popcorn and sitting in the first row. No more people to blame for the northeast's poor performance. No more whining about how quota is unfairly distributed. No more throwing under the bus of people who were trying their very best to make Provenge a success. No more finger pointing of people that were here before her. Bye bye PF!

JR (VP) must go. He always claimed that he was hand chosen by MG... congrats JR, congrats! You get to work one day without RR, now it is your turn to go...worthless, weak, and little hands.

He is gone. Practically, escorted out. That makes it at least the 5th time that he has been fired from a Pharma and or biotech company. I believe it is a record. Let see what stupid firm will hire him know. My guess is, he will end up in NYC in one of those firms such as E.A., that he was giving multi million dollar contracts during his tenure in Pharma. It is time for them to return the favour.

So in term of Marketing/Sales leadership, who is steering the ship?
Here is a press release that answers this question
The latest commercial leader is Joe DePinto, an ex-ImClone employee undoubtedly known by John Johnson. I see his role covers commercial development "globally"

Johnson may well make a positive difference to Dendreon, particularly with his experience in operations. Certainly hope so. Any employees care to comment on what they've seen so far?

Any employees care to comment on what they've seen so far?

He's been on the job for about a day. Nothing to see but a sinking ship and a sinking retirement.

Rosen's title also had Global in it too.

I did once again see some floaters left behind by Peg though, but thats same ole same ole. No consideration at all.

You sound like a stockholder looking for positives. Sorry, but there is nothing positive to report here. This ship sailed long ago. Almost time to turn out the lights. Good luck.

Peg Ferrence has to be the saddest excuse for a manager at any level. Miss "I have never missed my numbers!. Not one quarter!" hasn't hit her sales goal once since she has been here. She is being beaten by area directors with higher infusions per rep, higher infusions per account, # of accounts per rep etc She has made some very costly political staffing choices instead of making the prudent business choices. She is looking out for her alone and soon upper management has to see this and put her back on unemployment where they got her from originally. She needs a job with no human contact. Perhaps undertaker.

She is looking out for her alone and soon upper management has to see this and put her back on unemployment where they got her from originally.

Ummm and upper management are mentally healthy law abiding citizens? That's like putting a misbehaving kid with a predator and hoping to get a good result. This is one of the craziest posts I've seen in a long time.

Peg Ferrence has to be the saddest excuse for a manager at any level. Miss "I have never missed my numbers!. Not one quarter!" hasn't hit her sales goal once since she has been here. She is being beaten by area directors with higher infusions per rep, higher infusions per account, # of accounts per rep etc She has made some very costly political staffing choices instead of making the prudent business choices. She is looking out for her alone and soon upper management has to see this and put her back on unemployment where they got her from originally. She needs a job with no human contact. Perhaps undertaker.

Notice JRYT is in the NE all week. He is sending the day with her today and hosting an all comers (not many will) dinner in Princeton. She is a short timer, mark these words!

This is gosspel... On a conference call last week, when the subject of low sales in the NE was brought up, the NE RD said, "look at my reps, thats why sales are low".

WOW... Great leadership. Last year it was reimbursement, a disproportionate goal, and the original reps that "sucked". Now that you pushed good individuals to leave (many of whom were respected by DNDN customers) and you fired others and reimbursement is in line what are your excuses? Seriously, take a look in the mirror. It is you who has never been successful. A good leader protects his/her people, shields them from corporate create the noise and distraction by making excuses and turining your back on the individuals that were doing there very best everyday. Instead of helping to solve issues, you chose and choose to stir the pot and deflect to protect yourself. A good leader is honest and can look their charges in the eye... you are certainly no leader. It is time for you to go!

PF's legacy speaks for itself. This woman has never come close to breeding success. Her modus operandi has been to create discord and disfunctionality. Look closely at her track record and you'll see that the only constant has been failure. Failure at every company she's worked at, every business she's attempted to start. Remember, this so called leader was unemployed for two years. Coincidence? I think not.

JRytell has finally figured out that PF is no good for the organization. He's got her right where he wants and he's building his case to get rid of her. He's openly questioning her leadership now. She came to this company boasting her resume yet she has yet to hit budget. The only consistency is failure.