My thoughts go out to the committed and talented reps on both sides of the Dermik division. For them, it's a sad day. There are also a number of managers (minority) and corporate folks who will sadly be affected and don't deserve this.
On the other side of the coin, we will all gloat in the misery, and hopefull dismissal of that unethical and unprofessional piece of shit Steve Parsons who deserves to be held solely responsible, along with that bag of useless dicks Stuart Davis, for the failure of Sculptura Aesthetic and the pending federal investigation that will sooner or later cause more distress to SA or the morons who decide to buy that turd of a product. The hand-picked windbag, ball-less, coolaid-drinking Parson's management team (majority) refused to speak up, or better yet speak at all about the inflated goals and unreasonable expectations on the Aesthetics side while they continued to reap the rewards of off-label promotion for as long as it lasted. Sadly enough the list of lies and promises are endless, not only told to loyal and top-performing reps, but the very customers who supported Sculptra and used it off-label for 4+ years with countless issues and AE's!
The good news, there is hope and a future past Dermik. HURRY UP AND GO FIND IT! You may find it quite liberating as many of your predecessors have!