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If you're with BMS you should know it for your territory . . . check onelook!

I want to know the National market share for Bydurashit. What is it? I believe Victoza and that other Competitor, Byetta, is kicking Bydurashit's ass. Yes without Byetta being in the portfolio of BMS, Byetta is a competitor. Bad move for Bristol. Pitting Amylin reps against Bristol. So much for team.

I want to know the National market share for Bydurashit. What is it? I believe Victoza and that other Competitor, Byetta, is kicking Bydurashit's ass. Yes without Byetta being in the portfolio of BMS, Byetta is a competitor. Bad move for Bristol. Pitting Amylin reps against Bristol. So much for team.

You're a complete moron.

Byetta good, Byedureon not good, Victoza the greatest!!!

The post above your "statement" called the dope a "moron." I'm trying to think of a stronger word to describe you. Here's a few: ass, birdbrain, blockhead, bonehead, boob*, bore, buffoon, clod, clown, cretin*, dimwit, dolt*, dope*, dumb ox, dunce, dunderhead, easy mark, fair game, fathead, goose, halfwit, idiot, ignoramus, illiterate, imbecile, innocent, jerk*, lamebrain, lightweight, loon, moron , nerd*, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, Novo Nordisk, numskull, oaf, sap*, schlemiel, silly, simpleton, stooge, sucker, turkey, twerp, twit, victim.

Just shut up.

The post above your "statement" called the dope a "moron." I'm trying to think of a stronger word to describe you. Here's a few: ass, birdbrain, blockhead, bonehead, boob*, bore, buffoon, clod, clown, cretin*, dimwit, dolt*, dope*, dumb ox, dunce, dunderhead, easy mark, fair game, fathead, goose, halfwit, idiot, ignoramus, illiterate, imbecile, innocent, jerk*, lamebrain, lightweight, loon, moron , nerd*, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, Novo Nordisk, numskull, oaf, sap*, schlemiel, silly, simpleton, stooge, sucker, turkey, twerp, twit, victim.

Just shut up.

What kind of idiot has time to post this?

I want to know the National market share for Bydurashit. What is it? I believe Victoza and that other Competitor, Byetta, is kicking Bydurashit's ass. Yes without Byetta being in the portfolio of BMS, Byetta is a competitor. Bad move for Bristol. Pitting Amylin reps against Bristol. So much for team.

Do not know the market share for Bydureon but could not agree more about not having Byetta to sell. Terrible move. Typical. Would be interested in knowing Bydureon national share vs other GLPS

I want to know the National market share for Bydurashit. What is it? I believe Victoza and that other Competitor, Byetta, is kicking Bydurashit's ass. Yes without Byetta being in the portfolio of BMS, Byetta is a competitor. Bad move for Bristol. Pitting Amylin reps against Bristol. So much for team.

What is the matter with you? Your comment is immature and lacks intelligence.

Bydureon on a national level has taken a small piece of Victoza's market share about 10%
It isn't complicated to use.. It has the same method as when Enbrel launched for RA If old people with Arthritis can do it so can diabetic's. Once a week vs. once a day very little nausea (14%) vs Victoza(almost 50%) nausea and better MC coverage(lowest branded copay)
Byetta is our product as well and we positioned it with Lantus as it is a great PPG drug same great MC coverage but nausea (44%)
Bydureon isnt on Medicare and not on Medicaid formulary yet
Cash Victoza is $500 Bydureon and Byetta low $300
The pen is coming out in first quarter. Bydureon is a needle injection competing against oral drugs.. Bydureon is approved for use right after Metformin and that's where we position it.. not in the middle with the people further along in diabetes, those patients are for Byetta or Victoza...
For people that have questions it's very easy to check out the PI's or ask the Endo's for accurate info instead of assuming...

The problem with Bydureon is the dr's offer it to the patients but it is the patients that then say it is too complicated. The pen is the only answer especially for PCPS. Amylin is it's worst enemy. The reps are too pushy. The dr's tell the inventiv reps to please make the Amylin rep stop calling on them. At least 3 different Amylin reps have been told to please not come back. Guess that is why they have never been profitable.