Just be thankful we don't have the DMs in the field complaining about how they are overworked, how hard their QBRs were and how much they have to prep for calibration. Just accept the break from field rides and the 3xweek dumbass TAQL/JAM/BEAST calls that screw up the week. Rejoice and enjoy and know that early next week, there will be another manufactured crisis and we will be in a "HUSTLE" or a "SCRAMBLE" or a "SPRINT" and all the while, our marketing people will be asking, "What's a Class I steroid?" or "Stop the topical Churn" or "does it mean something different if a patient was started on tazarotene versus calcipotriene?
I hope we have BQE next. Damn this place has gone downhill the past year.
The best people I won awards with and took trips with are no longer around and if I have a question about the data, I don't even have a RBM to call anymore. Still don't really understand that. They were 100x more useful than my RSD. WTF?