Buyout soon?

Likely. If B+L can get a few quarters of positive growth they may be able to pull a story together for a sale. Look for continued push to get the numbers up. At this point it does not matter what they sell. If the parts make more than the whole then the parts will go.

Some clues?

Push to profile Vision Care as a growth business.

New D&R head of Surgical. Probably a pre-move to show surgical as a functional separate company from B+L.

New VP that is turning over every stone in the Pharma business to see why the Pharma strategy for sales and new product development has failed.

Pharma is failing as a direct result of bringing in Perry, Kathy, Phil and their cast of idiots - Kissling, Camp, Malone, Pettit etc. Poor hiring and business decisions since they have been at Pharma have ruined the business.

The sole focus is to fool someone into buying this company. The company brought in Schering home office Pharma flopouts at high salaries with a piece of the action based on a buyout. Why would they come to B&L otherwise?

These salaries we're supported by delaying or canceling increases for existing employees. It is well known that the B&L products have a short remaining life span, with garbage in the pipeline. Any company that does the proper due diligence will walk away. Having self-absorbed idiots like Perry and Kathy at Pharma is a detriment, but is irrelevant as the company has no future.

I guess they keep the R&D infrastructure in place even though they have garbage in the pipeline as they may be able to trick an investor that the garbage is really gold.

One man's garbage is another man's treasure.

The sole focus is to fool someone into buying this company. The company brought in Schering home office Pharma flopouts at high salaries with a piece of the action based on a buyout. Why would they come to B&L otherwise?

These salaries we're supported by delaying or canceling increases for existing employees. It is well known that the B&L products have a short remaining life span, with garbage in the pipeline. Any company that does the proper due diligence will walk away. Having self-absorbed idiots like Perry and Kathy at Pharma is a detriment, but is irrelevant as the company has no future.

ISTA---- keep an eye on these guys! They just received significant amounts of $$$!