buyout=new culture?

what are thoughts on will the buyout create a new and hopefully better culture than we currently have?
I for one hope it does. any thoughts?

Yes there will be a much more positive and professional culture. No more used car sales mentality. No more incredible 35% turnover rate among sales (most companies panic if even near 10%). No more bribery with fake "med eds". No more making ALL of your targets "Speakers".

Better culture? As in less bonus money and more micro management with less budget? Yea, sounds fantastic!

Sorry, warner chilcott pays no more bonus than your average drug company, period! Target payout is around 30k annually, which is right around what is typical for primary care pharma sales. On top of that, only 70% are eligible for payout, while in virtually all others at least 90% qualify for something. The top reps at primary companies will make what top reps make here at WC. Top reps in specialty and biotech will make more. The targeted payout at Actavis is identical to ours, around 30k per year.

I hope. A HIGH turnover rate is NOT a good thing. if you look at the history of forced rankings which started in the 90's with GE and other large companies, they found that over time if they developed the right employees that those employees would flourish. warner chilcott needs to revamp their mentality. high turnover can work against you.

Sorry, warner chilcott pays no more bonus than your average drug company, period! Target payout is around 30k annually, which is right around what is typical for primary care pharma sales. On top of that, only 70% are eligible for payout, while in virtually all others at least 90% qualify for something. The top reps at primary companies will make what top reps make here at WC. Top reps in specialty and biotech will make more. The targeted payout at Actavis is identical to ours, around 30k per year.

We are considered specialty Pharma. No primary care, at least in a couple divisions. But I think bio makes more based off the fact they generally start their bases in the 100's. 30k a year for target at WC? I guess that would be the average. I've been here 2 years and made more than that both years. I mean, one top 10% trimester and you are already there. But, I'm excited for the future. Launches, a different, larger and very profitable company. I guess it will be nice to have the generic side of business help with profitability and R&D.

I hope. A HIGH turnover rate is NOT a good thing. if you look at the history of forced rankings which started in the 90's with GE and other large companies, they found that over time if they developed the right employees that those employees would flourish. warner chilcott needs to revamp their mentality. high turnover can work against you.

High turnover definately works against you, but our goofy sales leadership thinks that it is great! How can we have "relationships" that we speak of, when the average rep is here far fewer than 24 months? I know of a territory in WHC that had 5 reps in two years.

The benefit to the company is that since we replace rookie reps with more rookie reps, the salaries stay low, 401ks never vest, those great stock grants never vest, so the cost of the sales force is very low compared to the industry average. For example, the average salary at WC is around 60k, the average in primary care pharma sales is in the 80's.

We are considered specialty Pharma. No primary care, at least in a couple divisions. But I think bio makes more based off the fact they generally start their bases in the 100's. 30k a year for target at WC? I guess that would be the average. I've been here 2 years and made more than that both years. I mean, one top 10% trimester and you are already there. But, I'm excited for the future. Launches, a different, larger and very profitable company. I guess it will be nice to have the generic side of business help with profitability and R&D.

Well that makes it worse, if you are "specialty" why is your target payout the same as primary care? Yes, the target at WC is 30k per year, that does not mean that it is the average; the average payout is probably less.

Of course many will make more than 30k, we get paid on forced ranking, but most will make less. This is not a complaint, but just an answer to a previous poster who implies that WC bonus is high compared to Actavis. It is not!

Well that makes it worse, if you are "specialty" why is your target payout the same as primary care? Yes, the target at WC is 30k per year, that does not mean that it is the average; the average payout is probably less.

Of course many will make more than 30k, we get paid on forced ranking, but most will make less. This is not a complaint, but just an answer to a previous poster who implies that WC bonus is high compared to Actavis. It is not!

Awesome! Since you know so much, please elaborate on Activis bonus structure. 20k+ per trimester for top 40% and I'll be happy. I know they work off different metrics though, but since you know so much, maybe you can tame my "ignorance".

We are considered specialty Pharma. No primary care, at least in a couple divisions. But I think bio makes more based off the fact they generally start their bases in the 100's. 30k a year for target at WC? I guess that would be the average. I've been here 2 years and made more than that both years. I mean, one top 10% trimester and you are already there. But, I'm excited for the future. Launches, a different, larger and very profitable company. I guess it will be nice to have the generic side of business help with profitability and R&D.

Only the folks at WC consider this company "Specalty Pharma". I can't believe you bought that lie. WC is and always was a Marketing Company that buys, and repackages old drugs. It does not conduce R&D and manufacture new Pharmaceuticals as a "Pharma" company would do. That is how they got away with not being part of "Pharma" code for the last several years.

Some poster above complained of a lower budget. Guess what?? The best sales people at real companies don't even spend or want there budget. Too much paper work these days to account for everyone who eats a sandwich. They earn their business by actually selling. Can you believe that! You seem to believe everything.

Awesome! Since you know so much, please elaborate on Activis bonus structure. 20k+ per trimester for top 40% and I'll be happy. I know they work off different metrics though, but since you know so much, maybe you can tame my "ignorance".

20k+ per trimester for the top 40%???? What the heck are you smoking?? WC pays 25k for the top 5% per trimester.

At 40%^, count on making around 30k in bonus for the year.