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But conservaturds are not racist...

...so say conservaturds in the media and here on cp. They have never heard a racist comment, or saw a racist sign. They rant and rave and whine and write novels for posts. They also lie and deny, and aren't very good at either.


You have posters here who defend using this word to describe Obama as I posted this story a few days ago.

Since that is the case, all five black conservaturds in the party they trot out to prove they arent racist, will be prefaced with the words monkey, simian, marmoset, howler, tamarin, and macaque.

No one on the conservative side here is racist. Get over it. Just because we don't agree w/ your wack job logic you immediately jump to your favorite word.

You mean the way you jump to the words "commie", "marxist" and "anti-american" when one doesn't agree with conservaturdism?

How does it feel when the boot you use has it turned on you nimrods and swiftly kicks your hindquarters?

No one on the conservative side here is racist. Get over it. Just because we don't agree w/ your wack job logic you immediately jump to your favorite word.

Oh please..you lie yet again. Just this morning ANOTHER one of your racist and inflammatory posts was removed by the moderators of this site.

You wrote on the 'Phone calls from George Zimmerman' thread:

Jorge took the trash to the curb, plain and simple.

They removed your post but left Raby's response up.

OK....go for it. Gotta love free speech; something you exercise quite frequently here on CP regardless of how wrong, repetitive or grossly offensive you are.

I personally think it's high time for the cons on here to just give in and "follow your lead" on the free speech thingie ... without giving too much thought on being careful with their words (you don't) or giving 2 shits about WHO gets offended.

Please do, go right ahead. I'm sure it will be liberating for ya.

But funny, you chose to highlight those comments in blue. Did YOU find them offensive? How come.

That doesn't surprise me anymore. I actually thought there for a while that Sarah and Byran were pretty fair in what they deemed offensive. But I don't anymore; I think RAB and a few other libs on here are the favored children of the mods. Sad.

No sane person pretends racism, sexism, ageism and religious discrimination are not real. Yet some use it as an excuse to hide behind to avoid responsibility for their actions. The mods are extremely biased and allow white racism, sexism, ageism, and blatant religious discrimination. See, all that is just satire, political commentary, or acceptable. Only one form of racism is not OK.

OK....go for it. Gotta love free speech; something you exercise quite frequently here on CP regardless of how wrong, repetitive or grossly offensive you are.

I personally think it's high time for the cons on here to just give in and "follow your lead" on the free speech thingie ... without giving too much thought on being careful with their words (you don't) or giving 2 shits about WHO gets offended.

Sorry, but it isnt following MY lead. That is following YOUR lead. You didnt think it was problem, rememeber?

Boo Hoo...Hooooo

I thought most libs believed in evolution?? If that is true; then......where do you think we all come from??? So how could anyone consider that a racist comment?

I will be following YOUR lead on the free speech thing...works for you; I need to speak up MORE! Read my response on the other thread you complained about the monkey comment.....I still think it is a whiny thing to be complaining about; and what I said about evolution....(I personally do not believe in it....but most libs do....so they have nothing to complain about). Libs need more of a backbone.

If you want to use that line of reasoning, then how is it possible that the current occupant is the "first monkey president"?

Simple question. Answer it.