Business School Grad student seeking help


In the event that you are a sales representative or manager that helped launch Namenda, could you kindly help. I am a business school grad student doing a paper on great pharma launches - and I am planning to include Namenda (btw - congrats!) Can you help me by sharing the following: just how many sales people were involved at launch? how many calls per day were typically made? how many physicians were targetted? in your view - why was the launch so effective? did you encounter any significant challenges? Thank you for your honesty and for your help! Again - congrats on what is viewed as a great pharma product launch.

We had lots of reps 5000. My spouse is the best oral surgeon. He hates when people don't floss and develop gingivitis, halitosis or worse yet, PLAQUE. He thinks I was major reason NMDA did so great

In the event that you are a sales representative or manager that helped launch Namenda, could you kindly help. I am a business school grad student doing a paper on great pharma launches - and I am planning to include Namenda (btw - congrats!) Can you help me by sharing the following: just how many sales people were involved at launch? how many calls per day were typically made? how many physicians were targetted? in your view - why was the launch so effective? did you encounter any significant challenges? Thank you for your honesty and for your help! Again - congrats on what is viewed as a great pharma product launch.

why dont you read the annual report, Mr MBA. Why dont you call the company?? We dont need your stupid research, go ask some other companuy