Business Relations Mgrs


Who here has had more than a phone screen on this role? How many non qualified internals did they hire already fir this role ?

Any f2f yet? Who is leading this group?

They haven't done f2f interviews for BRM yet. Why are you so concerned about unqualified internal candidates? They're only going to hire people with reimbursement/buy and bill experience period. Also, the job requires minimum of 10 years exp. There are plenty of folks from other divisions of Genzyme applying for these jobs with tons of experience.

I'm not saying walk away. What I'm saying is that if you are concerned about unqualified people being hired, I don't think that will happen. It's clear from those of us that have interviewed that the recruiters are only moving people forward with specific reimbursement experience. I thought I would at least get a f2f but never heard back.

They are being very particular as they should be.

I don't believe it'll be a blockbuster but it has it's place for very sick patients. At least the benefit is there for the risk unlike their other ms drug. What are your thoughts?

The drug will do just fine. Lots of docs already have patints in mind. Just thnk about all the tysabri jcv positive patients to name one possible group. Also head to head it trounced rebif and showed reversal of disability in a group of patients, that is groundbreaking @&!?

Phone interviewed and was told f2f might be end of August or mid September. Since then I haven't heard a thing. Others I know who applied for these jobs are in the same boat. Maybe they are filling the ABM jobs first? Or maybe they already have a candidate in mind. I do know the recruiters are slammed with resumes.

ABMS should be completed this week. Those started two weeks ago. It might be they are doing the Business Relations Managers next. Be patient as they are putting together a new sales force. Start getting prepared as I had a 6 day notice to travel for the F2F. They had to schedule everybody in and this is a big task as it involves HR as well as Managers and Directors for those Regions. I had large gaps between the phone screen and hearing back from them regarding the F2F. Be patient.