Brad Hardy are you kidding, if you really want change then why don't you give reps the correct numbers for their territories instead of the chopped down "BS" that you are currently serving us. You could also change the numbers forecast to accurately come close to where our numbers might be instead of this inflated crud that no one will ever reach. By doing these couple of things then reps might actually hit 90-100% to goal instead of 45% and we wouldn't have to be treated like little kids at these POA's.
Brad why don't you just be transparent like you always say you are and do what you really want to the reps--- line them up in front of everybody one by one and flog them, business attire for a whole day to sit around in rooms and learn nothing, like we always do at these meetings, is insane. Way to go Brad, no wonder why Japan is starting to send their people over here and put them in charge with the incompetence that we have as leadership.
Brad why don't you just be transparent like you always say you are and do what you really want to the reps--- line them up in front of everybody one by one and flog them, business attire for a whole day to sit around in rooms and learn nothing, like we always do at these meetings, is insane. Way to go Brad, no wonder why Japan is starting to send their people over here and put them in charge with the incompetence that we have as leadership.