Busier than a bee....


Ohhh Weee...man, am I busy! With big lauch and team work changes my head is spinning. Thought I was overworked before, now I'm spinning so fast I could take off in orbit....wow. When's vacation?


Take Januvia away and Merck hasn't had a drug launch with impact since Vioxx was yanked.

And it's clear senior management knows it will get worse. They're in full retrenchment mode displacing groups, hiring third parties and preparing to maintain business on tried and true old products with less and less support. Where's the 15 X 15 going to come from - Dulera, Juvisync, Saphris, Gardasil or the other products? No new products, no new science, less and less promotional support, less and less research support, less and less medical affairs support, that's the future. They need to buy time until something finally comes out of the labs, they license something of significance or they buy another company. The realization is Merck needs to tread water hoping someone or something provides a life buoy.

Until then they'll shift resources to the BRIC countries hoping upon hope (as is every other company) that they'll significantly grow the business of the tried and true line in those countries with less regulations and less oversight. Less oversight and less restrictions also comes with it's own perils. Those countries don't respect intellectual property rights nor can one really trust the distribution channels. It's not easy but they're hoping it's an easier path to growth given the over regulation in the US.

Make it through this round and they'll be more cuts in the foresesable future.

From glory days to dog days in just a few short years.

Your definition or perception of glory days must be different from mine. I think this place hasn't seen true glory days since our domination of the statin market. After Lipitor, it has been one big long downhill slide despite VIOXX, SINGULAIR, and the rest. Let's face it, we suck. Our best management left in mid 90's and we've really stunk ever since. It's been awful and thankfully I just got out.

Your definition or perception of glory days must be different from mine. I think this place hasn't seen true glory days since our domination of the statin market. After Lipitor, it has been one big long downhill slide despite VIOXX, SINGULAIR, and the rest. Let's face it, we suck. Our best management left in mid 90's and we've really stunk ever since. It's been awful and thankfully I just got out.


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