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Bush was right on Iraq afterall


While barry and the other libs take credit for the success and victory in Iraq, its satisfying to see that Bush was right 9 years ago.

Mission accomplished thanks to the tough decsions Bush made to liberate Iraq.

Keep riding the coat-tails of Bush barry.

While barry and the other libs take credit for the success and victory in Iraq, its satisfying to see that Bush was right 9 years ago.

Mission accomplished thanks to the tough decsions Bush made to liberate Iraq.

Keep riding the coat-tails of Bush barry.

100% agreed - there is no way even breaking news can deny the hypocrisy of a president who talks about our success there, and how this is completely opposite his mantra when he was campaigning for president.

What the Bush Administration has achieved by going into Iraq. When Clinton left office, gasoline was $1.39/gallon, and today it’s more than doubled, to $3.10, as oil company profits skyrocket. Clinton reduced the national deficit by running up $431 billion in surpluses in his last three years. Bush has run up the deficit by $734 billion in his last three years, and the national debt has swollen under his presidency by $3.5 trillion.

But this will all be paid for by the Iraqi oil. Da ok.

Gawd, this trip again?

For all those independents reading, here is the deal:

Bush had more than THREE years of job growth and THREE years of ecomonic growth (positive GDP), with average unemployment at 4.5%. This was even after getting attacked on 9.11 and decimating our financial district.

Just wondering - how much was Gas when Obama took office and how much is it now? Right.

Clinton balanced the budget? Really? Which branch of government controls the purse strings? Oh yeah, that's right - the House of Representatives. And who was running the house back then 2 years after Clinton took office? Right! Newt Gingrich! Remember how evil he was for "shutting down the government" and how your libtard friends started a virtual war on the guy for being so heartless? This was because the republicans insisted on what? Balancing the budget! Yes! You are catching on! And now what do you idiots do? Claim credit for balancing the budget!

You libtards sure are funny.

What the Bush Administration has achieved by going into Iraq. When Clinton left office, gasoline was $1.39/gallon, and today it’s more than doubled, to $3.10, as oil company profits skyrocket. Clinton reduced the national deficit by running up $431 billion in surpluses in his last three years. Bush has run up the deficit by $734 billion in his last three years, and the national debt has swollen under his presidency by $3.5 trillion.

But this will all be paid for by the Iraqi oil. Da ok.

You castigate Bush for $3.5 trillion over eight years but give O.T.I. a pass for $15 trillion over three years? You really are amazing.

What the Bush Administration has achieved by going into Iraq. When Clinton left office, gasoline was $1.39/gallon, and today it’s more than doubled, to $3.10, as oil company profits skyrocket. Clinton reduced the national deficit by running up $431 billion in surpluses in his last three years. Bush has run up the deficit by $734 billion in his last three years, and the national debt has swollen under his presidency by $3.5 trillion.

But this will all be paid for by the Iraqi oil. Da ok.

You mean Clinton and Gingrich.

I hate to say this, but I am with the leftists on this one. Iran will be running the show (directly or by proxy) within two years. This is why all of the statists have to go in November.

Newt wanted to balance the budget on the backs of the poor. Clinton said no and Newt shut down the government. The Judeo republicans looked like asses.

What does, "Balance the budget on the backs of the poor" look like? How is that accomplished? Wasn't it right after this that Clinton gave his somewhat famous and ingenuine speech, "A hand up, not a hand out" speech, speaking of the poor, but otherwise healthy unemployed welfare recipients.

Doc Who, do you know how to catch a wild pig?

While barry and the other libs take credit for the success and victory in Iraq, its satisfying to see that Bush was right 9 years ago.

Mission accomplished thanks to the tough decsions Bush made to liberate Iraq.

Keep riding the coat-tails of Bush barry.

Nope nice try, Obama's taking credit for ending that monstrosity. In the end Iran was the true winner of the war. We had them bottled up until bushco came along and f'ed that all up.

Nope nice try, Obama's taking credit for ending that monstrosity. In the end Iran was the true winner of the war. We had them bottled up until bushco came along and f'ed that all up.

The rationalization and Bush blaming never ends! So Iran having the ability to take over Iraq is Bush's fault, not obama's for making a political move and bailing on the Iraqi people?

Why does it have to be oine is right and one is wrong. Bush himself has conceded that had he known (as in opened his eyes) there were no WMDs, he wouldn't have gone in. As for Barack - how's that Afghanistan war working for ya?

Both had their hads up their asses and 2 wrongs don't make a right.

You mean like Egypt and Libya? Why did barry choose to fuck those two "bottled" up countries?

We are about to find out what half-assing the removal of a brutal dictator will get us in Libya. Northern Africa is the new terrorist hot bed.

At least Bush created a soverign, democratic government in Iraq.

Nope nice try, Obama's taking credit for ending that monstrosity. In the end Iran was the true winner of the war. We had them bottled up until bushco came along and f'ed that all up.

As ivory tower academic in the triangle, I expect a little more honesty from you. Your comment below is laughable.

What did barry achieve by going into Libya?

If barry would approve the Keystone pipeline it would make you feel better about gas prices wouldn't it doc? Not to mention all those jobs.

What the Bush Administration has achieved by going into Iraq. When Clinton left office, gasoline was $1.39/gallon, and today it’s more than doubled, to $3.10, as oil company profits skyrocket. Clinton reduced the national deficit by running up $431 billion in surpluses in his last three years. Bush has run up the deficit by $734 billion in his last three years, and the national debt has swollen under his presidency by $3.5 trillion.

But this will all be paid for by the Iraqi oil. Da ok.

Yes. Treat it like a greedy fat republican. Keep on feeding it till it can't move.


Here is how to catch a wild pig. It's very much like how you enslave a people.

"There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class.

One day while the class was in the lab, the Prof noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt.

The professor asked the young man what was the matter.

The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist regime.

In the midst of his story, he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked: "Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"

The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said that it was no joke.

"You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground.

The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming.

When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence.

They get used to that and start to eat again.

You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side.

The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again.

You then slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd.

Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom.

They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught.

Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity." "

If only Clinton knew he was creating the Tech bubble, Housing bubble and hinging future domestic spending on billions congress got from the tobacco industry. Such a house of cards.

All the while, he was lettling Bin Laden slip away each time because he was too busy getting blow jobs from a fat intern.

In hindsight, Clinton was a breath of fresh air compared to your new messiah. Barry has added 3.5 TRILLION to the national debt in only 3 years and blames everyone but himself.

NO! BU$H blew a hole in the balance budget that Clinton left him before 9/11

So you support the killing of a dictator now? What and who leads Libya now?

Funny you didn't care that thousands of Libyans were killed as ka-daffy was driven out of power. You only care when its convienent for you.:eek:

"What did barry achieve by going into Libya?" Did not get one American soldier killed and Khdaffi is dead.