Are you people selling the bup patch? If so, can you give me an idea of how many for how much? My understanding is this is for chronic pain, is that correct?
Are you people selling the bup patch? If so, can you give me an idea of how many for how much? My understanding is this is for chronic pain, is that correct?
55 views in two days and no one could answer the question? Its either Yes or No. Hard to believe 55 people are afraid to say, yes or no. Thats some kind of power.
As a person enduring a tremendous amount of pain, its comforting to know this company hires compassionate reps. Thanks for nothing and one day, you'll get your turn at this, or maybe one of your family members.
As a person enduring a tremendous amount of pain, its comforting to know this company hires compassionate reps. Thanks for nothing and one day, you'll get your turn at this, or maybe one of your family members.
As a person enduring a tremendous amount of pain, its comforting to know this company hires compassionate reps. Thanks for nothing and one day, you'll get your turn at this, or maybe one of your family members.
Strongest patch is 20 mcg/hr. Much less than mentioned above...