Bup Patch

As a person enduring a tremendous amount of pain, its comforting to know this company hires compassionate reps. Thanks for nothing and one day, you'll get your turn at this, or maybe one of your family members.

OP- Please don't ever come to any CafePharma message board expecting anything more than idiotic, juvenile responses...sorry you had to put up with that. People not in the know would probably assume that RB makes the Butrans patch, since Suboxone is a billion dollar drug now. But no, we get morons that have to make fun of people for not knowing that, sniping anonymously from behind their computers. High schoolers gossiping about who slept with who think you people need to check yourselves

Maybe you shouldnt have been such a smart ass first, and maybe you could have just googled Bup Patch and figured out in 2 seconds who made what you are looking for since the FDA approval article is the FIRST one that comes up. When you make accusations about a company not having compassionate reps, at least you could accuse the right reps.

As a person enduring a tremendous amount of pain, its comforting to know this company hires compassionate reps. Thanks for nothing and one day, you'll get your turn at this, or maybe one of your family members.

As a person enduring a tremendous amount of pain, its comforting to know this company hires compassionate reps. Thanks for nothing and one day, you'll get your turn at this, or maybe one of your family members.

Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby! Don't you put that on us! You are NOT paralyzed!

Oh and BTW...anyone that is looking for Suboxone and thinks the Bupe patch may be an alternative....Let me give you what you want. The Bupe patch's strongest strength is 20 mg of buprenorphine....but the patch is supposed to last 7 days. I checked the RXs and the patch in a box of 4 (month's supply) is nearly $500...checked numerous RXs and they're all around that price.

That means you are getting a max of 3mg bupe per day...well less than most people that are hooked on opiates need...considering the standard Suboxone dose (bupe) is around 16 mg a day to start...THAT is why the Bupe patch has failed to put a dent in Suboxone sales...