Bullshit conference call all under the guise of duet in the abdomen!


Total bs. This is just a way for Lori and family to tell the sales force we will not give you total relief from the duet return. No questions asked? Dead silence? Everyone wants to know what is taking so long? I will tell you, brian, chris, and Lori are trying to figure out a way of screwing the sales force by not accepting the whole return of product. What a cluster fuck. Do the right thing? I remember Lori saying that last year as she slid us the big pickle on those powered hand instruments and powered stapler when it was not even available. Shame, game Covidien. No wonder so many have been looking for new jobs.

Dont think for a minute that we all weren't thinking what you just said. They must believe we are all a bunch of idiots. None of the senior leadership are to be trusted.

That conference call was a waste of my time. Frankly, I don't even understand why the call was held. There has to be some alterior motive as there is no reason to send these letters out. I just put the call on speaker and did my expense report. How about spending the time telling me how you are going to true up my sales numbers to accommodate for the recall. I believe we are all suspect as to being short changed here with the length of time it has taken and this leadership groups history. I am prepared to get shafted.

Total bs. This is just a way for Lori and family to tell the sales force we will not give you total relief from the duet return. No questions asked? Dead silence? Everyone wants to know what is taking so long? I will tell you, brian, chris, and Lori are trying to figure out a way of screwing the sales force by not accepting the whole return of product. What a cluster fuck. Do the right thing? I remember Lori saying that last year as she slid us the big pickle on those powered hand instruments and powered stapler when it was not even available. Shame, game Covidien. No wonder so many have been looking for new jobs.

True up your numbers??? Ha. You know damn well that will not be happening. They have you bent over and taking it like a good little minion. They know what they are doing because you dealt with this before like the OP originally stated. Their orders are to drive the business and tell you how you can make up the loss w/o any adjustments. This is Covidien!!! We will overcome!!!... and still not pay you. You are the foot soldier who should just roger up and continue on!!!! Because the mentality up top is if you don't like it, move on because we'll find someone else to fill your role. I end with this, the people who have recently left on their own accord got fed up and didn't see it getting any better. The people who were let go for expense reports, past performance doesn't mean crap. If you don't shake your head like a good trained monkey and dare to ask any questions or make a statement, they will dispose of you in a heartbeat.

So Leave . SHUT UP . You should have known this would happen . You were probably expecting Obama to pay your mortgage . There is no loyalty to companies only to people. Work the system baby ,work as little as possible . Gotta work the comp plan , take it this year you will be up next .

There will be no adjustment to the duet recalled product. The company feels that it should be able to be made up with tristaple. There was talk of having an average across regions but that was killed by CB and LC. Merry Christmas!

Yhea, work the system. Work as little as possible. Just like a lazy ass lib does. And bitch and scream when something is taken away from you.

Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me

What are your thoughts on calling on Ob/Gyns that perform D&Cs or D&Es? Stand up for your beliefs and tell them they shouldn't perform those murders.

I appreciate your logic and yes outside of a miscarriage an abortion via D&C/D&E is murder. Logic then...how do we protect the little girl or boy from murder is a real dilemma. Again i agree with the logic and with all kindness hope the same reasoning is used with the errant views regarding the "ethics" of abortion. It would be a logical fallacey to say we are both right (we understand that) and so i respectfully disagree with the rationalization of abortion. By no means am i under the illusion that my assertions are appreciated by all or many. That being said, I understand there is A LOT of foolishness on both sides so i have no desire to add to it as one can be tempted given the anonymity of this msg board. Their are greater anthropological issues at the root that need to be addressed or worked thru.


Sorry guys to steer CP in to ethics 101...

What are your thoughts on calling on Ob/Gyns that perform D&Cs or D&Es? Stand up for your beliefs and tell them they shouldn't perform those murders.

That depends....are they pulling my products to complete the procedures? I have a to number hit...

If they aren't, how could I have them pull a Ligasure for those cases? Hmmm.

There will be no adjustment to the duet recalled product. The company feels that it should be able to be made up with tristaple. There was talk of having an average across regions but that was killed by CB and LC. Merry Christmas!

Is this actually true? If so, it may be the last straw for a lot of people.