Buckle Up Buttercup


There's a new sheriff in town and a few changes you will need to be aware of:

1-don't enter your calls, you go on a plan. do it again, you are GONE. Put that in your entitled lazy pipe and see how it smokes.
2-don't do your inventory on time, you go on a plan. Lazy ass reps.
3-don't acknowledge your inventory on time, you go on a plan. Dumb, lazy reps
4-don't get your quarterly speaker program goal completed, you get dinged on your IC factor. Now we'll see if you can do a program or not.
5-don't verify your telematics and reconcile your milage within 5 days of month close, you get your IC factor dinged
6-don't complete your compliance training until you get a reminder from CCRS, you get dinged.
7-I'll repeat #1 - we've looked at your calls and you guys sell a bunch and don't make any calls. So be it, but you are getting on a plan if you don't enter calls. Let that sink into your thick primitive skulls.

There's a new sheriff in town and a few changes you will need to be aware of:

1-don't enter your calls, you go on a plan. do it again, you are GONE. Put that in your entitled lazy pipe and see how it smokes.
2-don't do your inventory on time, you go on a plan. Lazy ass reps.
3-don't acknowledge your inventory on time, you go on a plan. Dumb, lazy reps
4-don't get your quarterly speaker program goal completed, you get dinged on your IC factor. Now we'll see if you can do a program or not.
5-don't verify your telematics and reconcile your milage within 5 days of month close, you get your IC factor dinged
6-don't complete your compliance training until you get a reminder from CCRS, you get dinged.
7-I'll repeat #1 - we've looked at your calls and you guys sell a bunch and don't make any calls. So be it, but you are getting on a plan if you don't enter calls. Let that sink into your thick primitive skulls.
When BMS sees the lack of customer access...then what happens?

When BMS sees the lack of customer access...then what happens?
Celgene has been forgiving in regards to call reporting...actually treating reps like adults, at least in oncology. This will be a major point of stress at BMS. Also, get ready for the never ending supply of pod meetings and routing with pod members. Some Celgene reps have made it a point NOT to be team players within their territories. We know who you are. Good luck with that egocentric outlook.

Celgene has been forgiving in regards to call reporting...actually treating reps like adults, at least in oncology. This will be a major point of stress at BMS. Also, get ready for the never ending supply of pod meetings and routing with pod members. Some Celgene reps have made it a point NOT to be team players within their territories. We know who you are. Good luck with that egocentric outlook.
There are and were many nasty ones for sure. BMS definitely WILL NOT put up with them!

There's a new sheriff in town and a few changes you will need to be aware of:

1-don't enter your calls, you go on a plan. do it again, you are GONE. Put that in your entitled lazy pipe and see how it smokes.
2-don't do your inventory on time, you go on a plan. Lazy ass reps.
3-don't acknowledge your inventory on time, you go on a plan. Dumb, lazy reps
4-don't get your quarterly speaker program goal completed, you get dinged on your IC factor. Now we'll see if you can do a program or not.
5-don't verify your telematics and reconcile your milage within 5 days of month close, you get your IC factor dinged
6-don't complete your compliance training until you get a reminder from CCRS, you get dinged.
7-I'll repeat #1 - we've looked at your calls and you guys sell a bunch and don't make any calls. So be it, but you are getting on a plan if you don't enter calls. Let that sink into your thick primitive skulls.

There's a new sheriff in town and a few changes you will need to be aware of:

1-don't enter your calls, you go on a plan. do it again, you are GONE. Put that in your entitled lazy pipe and see how it smokes.
2-don't do your inventory on time, you go on a plan. Lazy ass reps.
3-don't acknowledge your inventory on time, you go on a plan. Dumb, lazy reps
4-don't get your quarterly speaker program goal completed, you get dinged on your IC factor. Now we'll see if you can do a program or not.
5-don't verify your telematics and reconcile your milage within 5 days of month close, you get your IC factor dinged
6-don't complete your compliance training until you get a reminder from CCRS, you get dinged.
7-I'll repeat #1 - we've looked at your calls and you guys sell a bunch and don't make any calls. So be it, but you are getting on a plan if you don't enter calls. Let that sink into your thick primitive skulls.
What about Celgene reps who have side businesses they run during the work week? There are several doing this and have been for several years.

What about Celgene reps who have side businesses they run during the work week? There are several doing this and have been for several years.
Do you mean they own and are actively operating, like phone calls on company dime, time from territory, using company car or equipment for operations or transportation to and from the business? Those are issues. Owning a side business is not something the company can do anything about, unless they prove conflict of interest, or neglecting job requirements or time commitments. The conflict must prove neglect or potential damage to your employer. Of course your pharma manager, who undoubtedly will have little knowledge of anything outside of pharma, can make your life miserable.