BSX to aquire three start ups?

It's really simple, Ray has made public comments that BSC needs to focus on a few key areas for future growth. BSC will invest in these growth opportunities with R&D dollars and purchasing start-ups. For example, A fib will be a growing market over the next 5 years. Makes sense for BSC to buy an AF technology company.

It's really simple, Ray has made public comments that BSC needs to focus on a few key areas for future growth. BSC will invest in these growth opportunities with R&D dollars and purchasing start-ups. For example, A fib will be a growing market over the next 5 years. Makes sense for BSC to buy an AF technology company.

BSC already has an electrophysiology division that sells cardiac ablation systems and catheters to treat a-fib but BSC is a minnow compared to the well-established market leaders like JNJ, MDT, and STJ.

Vessle closure is another on Ray's target list. This makes a lot of sense and would be affordable

This sounds about right. Closure is totally commoditized and a couple of companies have the majority of the business, but leave to BSC, a company that has never tried to be an innovator, just build an inferior "me too" product and whore the shit out of the price to gain mkt share. Typical. Guidant was an innovator, BSC has no clue what that means.

Also, MDT doesn't have jack shit for AF products.