BSH Shipment Quota


Is this the new teams chat since we have moles in our real one? Let's talk about these shipment quotas. Baldwin's managers are setting them based on 3 year shipment averages. Make that make sense. Our product life cycle is much much longer than 3 years so a 3 year average doesn't tell you much. They are punishing anyone who shipped real orders and rewarding these signed quote heroes. Are other ABDs handling it the same?

They're all the same. ABDs can't dig in with managers because they don't know the business. RSMs can't dig in with AEs because they also don't know the business. So Jake's spreadsheets do it all.

The shipment quota disaster has confirmed that there is zero competence within BSH sales leadership. You can't keep loading up the same sellers year after year. The ones that shit the bed are getting rewarded because the want to be "fair" and have us all grow by the same percentage. Pure incompetence.

The issue of "quiet quitting" is about to blow up in our faces. Sellers are too busy interviewing for new jobs and trying to get through their backlogs to give a damn about the future. Leadership decisions have wrecked our cash flow and crushed our motivation. Just like the the shitshow of 2024 was caused by shitty leadership decisions and hires in the preceding years, the impact of this awful compensation plan and the alienation of the sales team will hit us hard in the coming years.

The issue of "quiet quitting" is about to blow up in our faces. Sellers are too busy interviewing for new jobs and trying to get through their backlogs to give a damn about the future. Leadership decisions have wrecked our cash flow and crushed our motivation. Just like the the shitshow of 2024 was caused by shitty leadership decisions and hires in the preceding years, the impact of this awful compensation plan and the alienation of the sales team will hit us hard in the coming years.
Quiet quitting is a gen z phenomenon. I guess replacing experience with all these new gen z kids is going to come back to bite em!!!

If you are upset right now it's because you are playing the game wrong. It's not what you do, it's who you do. Be careful with who you vent to at NSM because there are a few disclosed relationships but many more undisclosed relationships.

If you are upset right now it's because you are playing the game wrong. It's not what you do, it's who you do. Be careful with who you vent to at NSM because there are a few disclosed relationships but many more undisclosed relationships.
Absolutely everything you say at NSM will get back to your RSM, then to ABD. Just watch at the bar, during dinners, or even on breaks and you’ll notice the usual suspects leaning in on conversations they’re not involved in. These meetings are called fishbowls for a reason, everyone is watching.