BS from Vegas Meeting


Told us at Vegas we should be encouraged to volunteer and we all need to give back to our community. A representative from our district scheduled a district field volunteer day at a local shelter -----only to be cxld because Gary does not want reps out of the field this quarter!!!!!!???????????

"encourage," = mandatory b/c of the CIA. The freaking nimrods who go caught doing the bad stuff, now everyone slave has to suffer by doing the "volunteer," crap b/c the Nazis have to do so many hours as part of the Corporate Integrity Agreement. Give me a break. Only managers should be required to "volunteer." Those yahoos don't do much at all.

Voluntrering for the reason to help others is great but to help nvrts get out of shit is not ok. Even worse is to be told to cancel it because it takes away from field sales is awful

This company sucks, tell you to do one thing, then you can't because of some jerk DM, my gosh 1 day is not going to hurt any sales, we have 3 other pod mates doing what we do and if REE or whatever they are called now, they have a counterpart, my gosh, Novartis is not the place to be anymore!!!!