Brooke Paugh is

She is laughable. I worked with her and she is a yes person and can't sell. She never has sold and has only gotten moved up because of friendships. She spends most of her time getting her friends positions that do not deserve it. You should she the stupid things she says in meetings and how out of touch she really is in this business. Everyone knows it. Spivey would be a total fool to let this person be an RD. But maybe that is why he brings up the rear in all the rankings. He certainly can maintain last place by promoting her into positions she is not qualified to be in. She should actually go sell for a few months and find out what its like to be a salesperson. I feel better now.

She is laughable. I worked with her and she is a yes person and can't sell. She never has sold and has only gotten moved up because of friendships. She spends most of her time getting her friends positions that do not deserve it. You should she the stupid things she says in meetings and how out of touch she really is in this business. Everyone knows it. Spivey would be a total fool to let this person be an RD. But maybe that is why he brings up the rear in all the rankings. He certainly can maintain last place by promoting her into positions she is not qualified to be in. She should actually go sell for a few months and find out what its like to be a salesperson. I feel better now.

She sounds like just the kind of person Forest will promote up the ladder.