BroncoBoy Apologizes – NOT


After the refs gave Bama the game last night, I took the time to look in the mirror and asked myself; do I owe my fellow pickers an apology? Has my behavior been out of line? I realized no I do not, they owe me an apology. First let’s look at Bama, I tried to help him, I gave him guidance, shared wisdom, but he still seemed to find a way to lose week in and week out, AND what thanks do I get for helping him, when I point out his scoring errors, I get attacked. Hey FT let’s get something straight, the gator nation is a myth, UF is so bad the lead singer for Creed went to FSU instead of UF, that is just sad. White Trash, I tried to accept you, not pass judgment, but your actions indicate, you can take the White Trash out of the trailer park, but as soon as you turn your head it is going to head right back to the single wide. Pale Horse, what did I do to you? Not a thing but tell the truth, At the start of the season I was your biggest fan, for whatever reason you saw that as weakness and tried to bury me, your nefarious plan did not work so well did it? Tink, oh sweet little Tink, you are the biggest disappointment of all, While the others were tearing me down, I may have put on a brave face, but their words hurt, I admit I cried on the inside, you could have spoken up, but choose to be silent, oh yes it was funny when they made jokes about me and gerbils, but they will turn on you, will you think it is so funny when they start taking about your rabbit with dead batteries? SO my fellow pickers, I am willing to forgive you, I have taken the first step; it is up to you to apologize.

I want to be the first to apologize to you BroncoBoy. I am sorry about your butt hurt for choosing Notre Dame to not only beat BAMA but to whup up on them. Bama totally exposed ND last night. Manti Teo would not even be considered as a heisman finalist if he would have played in the SEC.

Yeah the refs gave BAMA the game. It's not your fault that those ND players don't understand the halo rule in punt return situations.You know what Lou Holtz said after the game last night? He said ND should have run the ball more. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Run the ball more

I admit that I might have not listened to you during the season about picks but you also did not listen to me. You picked PITT over Ole Miss...You must have been out of your mind for making that pick?

Thank you BamaBoy we are all good now.

Pale Horse, your apology is lacking, I wish I could accept it, but it did not feel like it came from the heart and truth be told seemed a little like you were telling me to leave vs an apology

FT why am I not surprised you lack the courage to admit you were wrong and apologize?

WT I guess we are waiting for your thrid grade neighbor to get out of school and read this for you.

Tink, you lack of response really hurts.

The dummass one who created this thread is another Bronco impersonator. It's quite obvious by his writing style. Nobody can mimic the great original BroncoBoy. And since BamaBoy responded to the bullshit there's no doubt in my mind that he's the Bronco impersonator. But from a guy who ended in in last place.....what more would you expect.

Some guys have all the luck.....some guys have all the pain.......some guys get all the breaks.....and so on and so on and so on! HAH! :D

The dummass one who created this thread is another Bronco impersonator. It's quite obvious by his writing style. Nobody can mimic the great original BroncoBoy. And since BamaBoy responded to the bullshit there's no doubt in my mind that he's the Bronco impersonator. But from a guy who ended in in last place.....what more would you expect.

Some guys have all the luck.....some guys have all the pain.......some guys get all the breaks.....and so on and so on and so on! HAH! :D

Ghost of the dead gerbil here. Why did you sit down and smush me to death?

The dummass one who created this thread is another Bronco impersonator. It's quite obvious by his writing style. Nobody can mimic the great original BroncoBoy. And since BamaBoy responded to the bullshit there's no doubt in my mind that he's the Bronco impersonator. But from a guy who ended in in last place.....what more would you expect.

Some guys have all the luck.....some guys have all the pain.......some guys get all the breaks.....and so on and so on and so on! HAH! :D

wait I thought the HAH! bronco was a Bronco impersonator. Are you posting as HAH! Bronco or BroncoBoy?