Bristol Myers Contract and 2011 POA's


Our team partners over at BMS are concerned about their positions going forward from April 1st. We wish you all the best with all of the changes. Many of us have been in those same positions at some point in time with our careers at other big Pharma's

We are trying to make sense out of how we will, as CSO's, overlap with you in a post reorganization world. Territories are getting smaller and will most likely be single pods, but we will support you in any way we can.

Has anyone also not received the most recent OneSource stating the location of upcoming POA's? Us in the West did not receive and concern is growing about how we will support your new organization.

Any discussions overheard?

Did anyone notice the first version of OneSource that was just sent to us has "Save the date" for the national meeting in CA, immediately followed by a revised version that omits this information? Could anyone find out if this change was only made to the Inventiv reps, or was this also done to the BMS reps? Doesn't look good for us....

I don't mind separation, but I don't know how they'd set that up... Unless they keep us solely to maintain Plavix and Avapro in primary care and fulfill any PDE requirements they have. Maybe we'd just be reporting to our inVentiv managers... no more lunches, etc. Keep is simple.

With that said, my money's still on this thing ending early (April 1st). Very frustrating.

Let's see if we are a part of the roll out of the new computer hardware. Would BMS go through with training us and providing us with new laptops if we're not a part of their future?

Let's see if we are a part of the roll out of the new computer hardware. Would BMS go through with training us and providing us with new laptops if we're not a part of their future?

Believe me, stranger things have happened. But if it gives you hope, yes, we are a part of the new computer rollout. Many of us are in the first wave and will be getting the new hardware this week.

Someone out there must know something... Please give us a heads-up! Is it "lights out" on us at the end of first quarter? Or could we have a few more months on this project (maybe until May or June) at least?

As far as the computers go... Doesn't make sense, but I do know it's typically "business-as-usual" with big pharma companies... right up until the axe falls. None of it really means anything. Although I do believe the fact that we are NOT going to the National Sales Meeting in April DOES mean something.

Any concrete info from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

Someone out there must know something... Please give us a heads-up! Is it "lights out" on us at the end of first quarter? Or could we have a few more months on this project (maybe until May or June) at least?

As far as the computers go... Doesn't make sense, but I do know it's typically "business-as-usual" with big pharma companies... right up until the axe falls. None of it really means anything. Although I do believe the fact that we are NOT going to the National Sales Meeting in April DOES mean something.

Any concrete info from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

I was told directly from my BMS DM we ARE going to Califorrnia in April! After all the BMS layoffs of course. Should be a lot of fun, full of high energy, tons of drinking and roll playing! I cant wait!

I was told directly from my BMS DM we ARE going to Califorrnia in April! After all the BMS layoffs of course. Should be a lot of fun, full of high energy, tons of drinking and roll playing! I cant wait!

This is either a bogus post or your BMS DM is clueless... It is a fact inVentiv reps are not going to meeting in April (thankfully).