Brilinta approved, we're going to kick your ass

Well, at least the great CV team will actually have to work - maybe more than the usual 40 hours/month. Most of you couldn't sell ice water in hell - guess we'll see, huh?

Have at it dude. Bullshitta will have 9 months before PV goes generic. Then you will be selling a 3rd tier pos against $4 PV. However, it will be good practice to sell Crapstor against $4 Lipitor. There's 6000 of you worthless dirtbags. Laugh now.......

Short 1/2 life--increased event risk if patient misses their dose
No high dose aspirin >100mg, reduces Brilinta efficacy
North American cohort, more events, more bleeding


Plavix for 10 months. That's all we got!!