Brent Sauders becoming CEO of Pfizer after merger


Well, I wonder if Allergan will be buying Pfizer to avoid all the political consequences of an inversion deal near an election year. Not only that, Ian Read and his cronies would probably see the value of their options and stock go up 35% as some analysts have suggested. This would be far more than if Pfizer were to buy Allergan. Ian Read, at the age of 62 would be able to fly off into the sunset with a nice bump in his retirement income. Stay tuned, we should know by Thanksgiving.


It's because Pfizer sees the true value of the Forest representatives making amazing results that has never been seen at Pfizer. Our hospital reps rumor has it will be taking over your oncology teams and our primary care reps can easily handle hospital and specialty roles. We are Biotech not pharma which Pfizer reps are!

You all are about to witness amazing sales results when we take over. Mediocrity is not allowed at forest.

The only goal is for the company to avoid US tax rates. Of course Allergan is buying Pfizer, they are domiciled in Dublin now. You think these rich assholes would lose millions on the valuation of the eventual company by moving HQ back to NY? Unless one of the presidential candidates slips PFE a note saying they will create a special loophole just for them, it'd a done deal.

It's because Pfizer sees the true value of the Forest representatives making amazing results that has never been seen at Pfizer. Our hospital reps rumor has it will be taking over your oncology teams and our primary care reps can easily handle hospital and specialty roles. We are Biotech not pharma which Pfizer reps are!

You all are about to witness amazing sales results when we take over. Mediocrity is not allowed at forest.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ! Thank you for a good laugh! Forest is the poster child for mediocrity.....and less. Biotech not Pharma?????hahahahahahahahahaha! You must cater better lunches.
Pfizer is certainly no better, but you have a VERY inflated opinion of yourself and your third rate company. Very typical of a young Pharma turd drinking all the kool aid.
STFU. You'll be in the unemployment line soon like every other PHARMA rep. Perhaps your Biotech Designation will save you for an extra reorganization. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

It's because Pfizer sees the true value of the Forest representatives making amazing results that has never been seen at Pfizer. Our hospital reps rumor has it will be taking over your oncology teams and our primary care reps can easily handle hospital and specialty roles. We are Biotech not pharma which Pfizer reps are!

You all are about to witness amazing sales results when we take over. Mediocrity is not allowed at forest.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ! Thank you for a good laugh! Forest is the poster child for mediocrity.....and less. Biotech not Pharma?????hahahahahahahahahaha! You must cater better lunches.
Pfizer is certainly no better, but you have a VERY inflated opinion of yourself and your third rate company. Very typical of a young Pharma turd drinking all the kool aid.
STFU. You'll be in the unemployment line soon like every other PHARMA rep. Perhaps your Biotech Designation will save you for an extra reorganization. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

He's right - discovery has not returned its cost of capital but that's because the industry approach as used by Pfizer guarantees failure. We have thrown more and more money at it and packed it with VPs and Directors who need to justify their jobs. They micro-manage the downtrodden scientists and insist they meet efficiency metrics and rules. Leadership just doesn't get it. Key discoveries are made by super-bright people who are driven. They are on a personal mission and they may not do conventional things. How are fat cat VPs ever going to understand that?

He's right - discovery has not returned its cost of capital but that's because the industry approach as used by Pfizer guarantees failure. We have thrown more and more money at it and packed it with VPs and Directors who need to justify their jobs. They micro-manage the downtrodden scientists and insist they meet efficiency metrics and rules. Leadership just doesn't get it. Key discoveries are made by super-bright people who are driven. They are on a personal mission and they may not do conventional things. How are fat cat VPs ever going to understand that?

Brent can do chop chop chop of fat cat.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ! Thank you for a good laugh! Forest is the poster child for mediocrity.....and less. Biotech not Pharma?????hahahahahahahahahaha! You must cater better lunches.
Pfizer is certainly no better, but you have a VERY inflated opinion of yourself and your third rate company. Very typical of a young Pharma turd drinking all the kool aid.
STFU. You'll be in the unemployment line soon like every other PHARMA rep. Perhaps your Biotech Designation will save you for an extra reorganization. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

The poster child for abortion above A CP Troll on 7 Boards

COO not CEO.

Pfizer is merging with Allergan to form a new Dublin-based pharma company called Pfizer. Again, the new company will be called Pfizer.

Pfizer, Pfizer, Pfizer....

However some of you guys are welcome to join with us at the new company which will go by the name Pfizer.

COO not CEO.

Pfizer is merging with Allergan to form a new Dublin-based pharma company called Pfizer. Again, the new company will be called Pfizer.

Pfizer, Pfizer, Pfizer....

However some of you guys are welcome to join with us at the new company which will go by the name Pfizer.

Any idea when we will have to wait by the phone? I know july 1 is the target date Goethe "merger."