

Is Sorin truly on the. Rink of converting BZ away from the big three?
Does Riata open door? In other words. All this talk of two vendor contracts
has to be out the door. How can you limit vendors when all of the big
three have had problems. Granted Sorin and Biotro I'm have had theirs

Is Sorin truly on the. Rink of converting BZ away from the big three?
Does Riata open door? In other words. All this talk of two vendor contracts
has to be out the door. How can you limit vendors when all of the big
three have had problems. Granted Sorin and Biotro I'm have had theirs

What is your native tongue?

Is Sorin truly on the. Rink of converting BZ away from the big three?
Does Riata open door? In other words. All this talk of two vendor contracts
has to be out the door. How can you limit vendors when all of the big
three have had problems. Granted Sorin and Biotro I'm have had theirs

Sorin has been steadily growing. When...and that comes with a big fat question mark.....when they get home monitoring and that Sonar technology over here, they will gain significant market share. Their Brady and Tachy lines are already solid for the most part...CRT leaves much to be desired. Leads are shat...but I think they made a deal with the German devil to use their platform.

All in All it's not a bad place to go if your looking for greener pastures as long as your commissions offset the decline in revenue.

Dysfuctional company with devices that have unique qualities. Two steps forward, six steps back everytime, if they are running things. POD's or completely selling out are the only things that might give them a chance in the US.

Its all about the good people working with good devices. They have not maintained that for years and it shows. They are not setup to have success and are obviously alright with getting by and remaining a distant 5th. Why use average, or below, in this market? You dont have to, therefore, I dont.