****BREAKING**** Obama REPEALS Obamacare

I Love America


Yessirree bobby. He is repealing it one stick at a time. Look at all of the waivers he is granting.

Are you surprised to learn that he is graning most of the waivers to his union thug buddies who used union members money to gives us this turd?

Now if this legislation is so wonderful, why would people want waivers from it?

More importantly, why would Odummyfucker grant them?



This alone proves what a piece of shit this bill is and why it should be repealed. By granting these waivers, Odummyfucker admits that the bill hurts entities with private healthplans.

Now this is a scandal. But you won't find it on HuffPo or PMSNBC. Nuh uh.


Yessirree bobby. He is repealing it one stick at a time. Look at all of the waivers he is granting.

Are you surprised to learn that he is graning most of the waivers to his union thug buddies who used union members money to gives us this turd?

Now if this legislation is so wonderful, why would people want waivers from it?

More importantly, why would Odummyfucker grant them?



This alone proves what a piece of shit this bill is and why it should be repealed. By granting these waivers, Odummyfucker admits that the bill hurts entities with private healthplans.

Now this is a scandal. But you won't find it on HuffPo or PMSNBC. Nuh uh.

I wonder who reports you to Sarah first? Huggy, Mojo, or cuntnpaste?


Yessirree bobby. He is repealing it one stick at a time. Look at all of the waivers he is granting.

Are you surprised to learn that he is graning most of the waivers to his union thug buddies who used union members money to gives us this turd?

Now if this legislation is so wonderful, why would people want waivers from it?

More importantly, why would Odummyfucker grant them?



This alone proves what a piece of shit this bill is and why it should be repealed. By granting these waivers, Odummyfucker admits that the bill hurts entities with private healthplans.

Now this is a scandal. But you won't find it on HuffPo or PMSNBC. Nuh uh.

Typical of the hypocrisy, cronyism and corruption that are the hallmarks of the Odummy administration! Despicable and predictable for this bunch!

Shocking how quiet the dumoKKKrates are on this thread. Can’t defend the token president and his poor health care bill

Maybe Odummy should have read it before he signed it


Yessirree bobby. He is repealing it one stick at a time. Look at all of the waivers he is granting.

Are you surprised to learn that he is graning most of the waivers to his union thug buddies who used union members money to gives us this turd?

Now if this legislation is so wonderful, why would people want waivers from it?

More importantly, why would Odummyfucker grant them?



This alone proves what a piece of shit this bill is and why it should be repealed. By granting these waivers, Odummyfucker admits that the bill hurts entities with private healthplans.

Now this is a scandal. But you won't find it on HuffPo or PMSNBC. Nuh uh.

The reason you get no response is because, just like the unions sanitation workers excercising a citizen killing snow cleanup slowdown, you have NOTHING.

Stand back, its not going to be a pretty after Im done with the three stooges style smackdown going down the line of cp conservatwats.

Scandal? Hardly. The law provides those min-med plans TEMPORARY waivers until the annual caps are phased out in 2014.

And do you know what your "scandalous repeal of Obamacare" represents?

•The number of enrollees in plans with annual limits waivers is 2.1 million, representing only about 1 percent of all Americans who have private health insurance today.​

And about all those special favor waivers going to union plans?

Employment-Based Coverage: The vast majority – 712 plans representing 97 percent of all waivers – were granted to health plans that are employment-related.​

3% ........yeah THAT Fox News generated scandal.


The reason you get no response is because, just like the unions sanitation workers excercising a citizen killing snow cleanup slowdown, you have NOTHING.

Stand back, its not going to be a pretty after Im done with the three stooges style smackdown going down the line of cp conservatwats.

Scandal? Hardly. The law provides those min-med plans TEMPORARY waivers until the annual caps are phased out in 2014.

And do you know what your "scandalous repeal of Obamacare" represents?

•The number of enrollees in plans with annual limits waivers is 2.1 million, representing only about 1 percent of all Americans who have private health insurance today.

And about all those special favor waivers going to union plans?

Employment-Based Coverage: The vast majority – 712 plans representing 97 percent of all waivers – were granted to health plans that are employment-related.

3% ........yeah THAT Fox News generated scandal.


Did Odummyfucker tell people he was going to allow unions to not be impacted by his bullshit bill?

So you don't care if you are under Odummycare and Unions are exempted from its mandates?

What am I saying, of course you don't care. You are a unionphile with your lips planted firmly around Hoffa's cock

Sorry, but you FAIL

Did Odummyfucker tell people he was going to allow unions to not be impacted by his bullshit bill?

So you don't care if you are under Odummycare and Unions are exempted from its mandates?

What am I saying, of course you don't care. You are a unionphile with your lips planted firmly around Hoffa's cock

Sorry, but you FAIL

No.....just like the citizen killing sanitation worker Fux news made up scandal you fell for hook line and sinker.....YOU FAIL....

This is from YOUR source:

Employment-Based Coverage: The vast majority – 712 plans representing 97 percent of all waivers – were granted to health plans that are employment-related.​

Repeating it endlessly out the suffering from post-smackdown tourrettes wont make those facts change Prudence.

Get used to it!