Breaking News


Hey, did you guys hear the latest news? Xanodyne is going under! Yeah, everybody is leaving the company for better jobs...because of Zipsor and the whole Darvocet thing. We're all leaving this month, or in March-not sure yet?

Yeah, how many people do you think will leave? I say 30%.

Oh yeah, please dont chime in here SB...cause I know you will. You rascal you!!!

Man, did management mess this up, glad I'll be collecting two checks from double dipping. haha.

And screw all the former management too- I forget all their initials.

Anyways, thanks for the free money. The rest of us are leaving this month, or maybe in the next six months...not sure yet? We'll all be double dipping until you find out about it. haha

I just saw another Darvocet lawsuit commercial, man is this place done!

Isn't SB a jerk, he cuts hair you know. What a jerk you are SB, cutting hair and all!

Did I mention that this place is going under and we're all leaving, but going to double dip until someone finds out? haha, I'm gonna be banging my wife all day!

Man, is this place going under...cause of Darvocet, and Zipsor. Do you know that Zipsor is a me too drug, with no coverage. Way to go xano!

This is the most intelligent thing someone has posted here in a long time!

Gotta catch some zzz's now. My mom hates it when I'm up all night typing on CP in the basement. Ever since I was shit-canned a few months back she's been a real bitch!