Breaking News Sandoz BioPharma


We are sitting on our hands.

No strategy
No focus
No questions Sheila because you have no answers
No direction
No unity
No leadership at ALL
No jobs most likely
No future so we will leave later anyways
No motivation

Thanks a lot after we set sales records.

Ok talk in a month.


Oh this seat is quite comfortable

Well it’s been real quiet the last two weeks.

Ok by the end of May you will not yiur fate.

Chuckle chuckle. Giggle giggle.

Oh this seat is quite comfortable

Don’t bother me when I am on vacation

Giggle giggle

What a complete joke

Most unprofessional switch over I have ever seen. In the end cut or not why remain here. It’s not the same organization. Biosimilars?? No. Oncology?? No

Nuts and bolts.

Please invite us to more future calls. More future propaganda

More “maybe” talk

Toxic and with nothing on our plate for much time to come it will remain toxic

BD&L didn’t pan out I guess. That’s what keeps us all up at night. Lol

How would one want to stay regardless?

Can we please have another chatty woman’s coffee talk call? Pretty please

Sheila how is your BDL going? Anything worth exploring? I guess not.

So let’s see Sheila will be fine by years end and half her cronie sec team. The VP of market access is quite visible and busy. Making things happen. Now there is a wasted salary. Just ask the NAM leader. I mean why did you backfill that position Sheila?

Oh that’s right she was a woman hire from outside the org. Well you sure showed them by golly. You hired an expensive paycheck that has absolutely done 100% NOTHING

The issue is sandoz has no glamour to it without biosimilar’s. And that’s all they have that even requires normal pharma people.

The generic side is all institutional total contract management nuts and bolts

So they are 3 to 5 years away from having anymore named biosimilar’s. Erelzi is a semi big deal but that all primary care payer plotting pull through. And I mean all you can really say is you are the humira biosimilar.

Sheila Frame came in like a woman of big ideas, passion, and influence. Then she inherited some idiots who screwed up the rixathon bio similar and they were walked out the door.

Now she is stuck being an equal to the nuts and bolts guy from generic institutional sales and her image now lacks a great deal of substance

what about this 900 people lay off it’s not even in the news? What is going on that that isn’t news worthy yet China telling us there is a mantle present on the dark side of the moon is wtf?? Who gives a f about the moon besides Vas as it distracts investors from the dark side of pharma!

Well I have a call tomorrow and HR is on the call and that means I am gone.

So ssbdoz usa will lose field force because we didn’t get rixathon biosimilar and now we have nothing to do.

So we are being thinned out. I knew it was coming. So do others. No hard feelings.

Thanks for the opportunity.

I know one woman professional who thought her cerebral corporate know how and connections and projects would have her sitting in a protected seat..... and she is now

GONE! lesson careful who you suck up too. Careful who you think you are that you are not.

And get off your ass and go get a resume’.

Because sweet cheeks. You don’t have one.

I never got paid more and was given more for doing absolutely nothing in almost three years.

Best free ride ever! Thank you!

It was a close to a three year free ride. Sandoz BioPharma was an image sell and got paid for doing nothing. Then biosimilar real future fell into the toilet when that one medical affairs gentleman screwed up the endpoints.

Then car dealer and tire salesman took over. But hey thank you. Very pleased.

It was a close to a three year free ride. Sandoz BioPharma was an image sell and got paid for doing nothing. Then biosimilar real future fell into the toilet when that one medical affairs gentleman screwed up the endpoints.

Then car dealer and tire salesman took over. But hey thank you. Very pleased.

All that’s left are over paid and false titled or close to retirement personnel

The resume’s most have at sabdiz do not even come close to matching how much they are getting paid. So one has to either say and lie that they are a payer account manager which everyone knows they are not or take a salary cut to get the same IDN GPO pull through job.

There is ZILCH in the pipeline. ZILCH