Breaking news - new CFO!!!
Somewhere theres a village missing its idiot but Mila has been located!!! LOL!!!! What coincidence how the gears are starting to mesh for her. She has handful crooked circle of friends meeting with execs Ken Glenn and Japan persuading them of her flawless facade so she can do CFO job. Mila has her ducks lined up in a row until her fuhrer SC leaves. Her work will get the company audited and fined!!! Tutti sanno che sei falso e disgenuino!!!
Somewhere theres a village missing its idiot but Mila has been located!!! LOL!!!! What coincidence how the gears are starting to mesh for her. She has handful crooked circle of friends meeting with execs Ken Glenn and Japan persuading them of her flawless facade so she can do CFO job. Mila has her ducks lined up in a row until her fuhrer SC leaves. Her work will get the company audited and fined!!! Tutti sanno che sei falso e disgenuino!!!