Breaking: Lilly Plans to Lay Off 30% of Its Sales Reps


They are the first company to make the leap to almost all direct to consumer selling and I do think pfizer will right behind them. Pfizer wants to be an industry leader and will probably lay off 80% of its reps to be out in front.

Cuts much deeper than 30% in most divisions (including PC), seems that their diabetes division came out pretty good with few cuts, but all others hit heavily. Overall average may have been 30%, but some divisions were cut 70-80%. No doubt our days are coming in PC with Celebrex & others with their short patent life left. So sad for us.

Cuts much deeper than 30% in most divisions (including PC), seems that their diabetes division came out pretty good with few cuts, but all others hit heavily. Overall average may have been 30%, but some divisions were cut 70-80%. No doubt our days are coming in PC with Celebrex & others with their short patent life left. So sad for us.

Keep spreading the fear dude. PC here has ATLEAST a year left if not more with extended Celebrex life. Get out there and find something better for yourself instead of whining about layoffs. Don't wait on severance go out and do something about it. Or stay here and work hard. It's really not that difficult. Nobody owes you anything.

Keep spreading the fear dude. PC here has ATLEAST a year left if not more with extended Celebrex life. Get out there and find something better for yourself instead of whining about layoffs. Don't wait on severance go out and do something about it. Or stay here and work hard. It's really not that difficult. Nobody owes you anything.

Fear? Or reality? Look around, your iceburg is melting penguin.

Poster #4 hit the nail on the head & didn't know it. Said PC had at least a year before layoffs start again, but when you are 20 years or so away from retirement age, one year is just a drop in the bucket & right around the corner & the ex-Pharma sales reps looking for positions are going to be more numerous then than they are now. Lilly reps knew their force reduction was coming 9 months ago, they just didn't know it was going to be a severe as it turned out to be, so based on poster #4 be advised that we have around a year before Pfizer does the same thing to us. People can argue until they are red in the face, but sales force reduction is ultimately coming, just can't put an exact time frame on it at this time only know that this is a fact of life.

August is when PC will be gutted. Q4 2013 will be a quarter to "get everything adjusted" after that which won't be hard. There will be one PC cluster selling Eliquis and Lyrica, everything else will be contracted out.

I can tell you from experience. The layoffs will come around Christmas. Pfizer has done that for at least the last 8 years. It's the end of their fiscal year so they make "adjustments" then.