Breaking into medical device sales


Looking for some perspective from those already in the field. Is it possible to break into medical device sales without direct sales experience? I have 10 years of clinical and leadership experience in health care, plus a MBA. The art of "selling" is about building relationships and influencing the decision-making of others.


Looking for some perspective from those already in the field. Is it possible to break into medical device sales without direct sales experience? I have 10 years of clinical and leadership experience in health care, plus a MBA. The art of "selling" is about building relationships and influencing the decision-making of others.


having clinical experience is great but if you can't sell, you don;t can't teach someone to sell if you ask me, it's a personality trait BUT you CAN teach someone the clinical side... just my opinion.....

i'd rather have someone who can sell than someone w. just clinical exp.