breaking in

Is it tough breaking into this company-what do they look for?

I know people, and I know you are a putz. You are the guy who will go to a company meeting, bang a hot married rep, then go home to your wife and kids and tell them about how hard you worked. Three letters for you-GPS-so good luck to your swinging lifestyle. Maybe you should try selling used cars, that is probably more your level. Idiot!

I know people, and I know you are a putz. You are the guy who will go to a company meeting, bang a hot married rep, then go home to your wife and kids and tell them about how hard you worked. Three letters for you-GPS-so good luck to your swinging lifestyle. Maybe you should try selling used cars, that is probably more your level. Idiot!

You should know ass lick-I fucked your wife and sold her a used pos car on your dime. Stupid fuck. By the way, your wife is looking for a real man-not some pencil dick like you. hahahahahahahahahah...................................

I know people, and I know you are a putz. You are the guy who will go to a company meeting, bang a hot married rep, then go home to your wife and kids and tell them about how hard you worked. Three letters for you-GPS-so good luck to your swinging lifestyle. Maybe you should try selling used cars, that is probably more your level. Idiot!

sounds like you are sexually frustrated-bet you are fat and ugly. Sounds like you need a good bangin--poor little fat girl................