Breakdown In Race Demographics In Layoff


Historically, AAs are hardest hit.

The adage that a “recession for whites is a depression for blacks” or the one that says that blacks are “last hired, first fired” have been around for 75 years or more because they ring true.

If, and it’s a big if, any company breaks with the historically racist tradition of disadvantaging the most disadvantaged, then it’s a good time in history to be alive.

Nobody wants anyone to lose their job. When it happens, there is no race separation. The divide is those laid off and those retained. It’s bad for all.

we could go into the racial challenges of an being an unemployed AA in this society which is not much different at any age when one is black than being laid off at 62yo when one is white but it’s not worth it.

Historically, AAs are hardest hit.

The adage that a “recession for whites is a depression for blacks” or the one that says that blacks are “last hired, first fired” have been around for 75 years or more because they ring true.

If, and it’s a big if, any company breaks with the historically racist tradition of disadvantaging the most disadvantaged, then it’s a good time in history to be alive.

Nobody wants anyone to lose their job. When it happens, there is no race separation. The divide is those laid off and those retained. It’s bad for all.

we could go into the racial challenges of an being an unemployed AA in this society which is not much different at any age when one is black than being laid off at 62yo when one is white but it’s not worth it.
Nobody wants anyone to lose their job? Think again! There are some rotten field reps and managers at Pfizer that should have been kicked to curb in Indiana a long time ago!