Brands are ALWAYS better than generics.


FDA and Generics

"Drug products sold in the United States are approved by the FDA whether they are brand name or generic. "Most people believe that if something costs more, it has to be better quality. In the case of generic drugs, this is not true," says Gary Buehler, Director of FDA's Office of Generic Drugs. "The standards for quality are the same for brand name and generic products.”

"FDA-approved generic drugs are bioequivalent and therapeutically equivalent to their brand-name counterparts," says Buehler. "People can use them with total confidence.”

Using bioequivalence as the basis for approving generic copies of drug products was established by the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984, also known as the Hatch-Waxman Act. Brand-name drugs are subject to the same bioequivalency tests as generics when their manufacturers reformulate them.

FACT: FDA requires generic drugs to have the same quality and performance as brand name drugs.

Through review of bioequivalence data, FDA ensures that the generic product performs the same as its respective brand name product. This standard applies to all generic drugs, whether immediate or controlled release.

FACT: Research shows that generics work just as well as brand name drugs.

A study evaluated the results of 38 published clinical trials that compared cardiovascular generic drugs to their brand name counterparts. There was no evidence that brand name heart drugs worked any better than generic heart drugs.[1]

FACT: When it comes to price, there is a big difference between generic and brand name drugs. On average, the cost of a generic drug is 80 to 85 percent lower than the brand name product.

Educational Resources: Generic Drugs

Hey Corp PR Shill here's a simple question for your simpleton mind to ponder.
If branded meds are so superior as you suggest, why does the pharma syndicate have
to pay BILLIONS in honoraria to convince the physicians of this fact ?

While you're at it, why is it that the doctors that don't feed on the pharma $$$ trough,
control their patients disease states just as effectively for pennies on the dollar, with Sandoz , Ranbaxy & Teva (to name a few) generics ?

Do you have outcome data that suggests otherwise or is it all hyperbole you would expect from a paid soul less corporate stooge/shill ??????

PS- if branded are SO much better why does Novartis offer substandard medicines via Sandoz ? Why not get out of the 'substandard' business if they are so patient focused ?


Hey Corp PR Shill here's a simple question for your simpleton mind to ponder.
If branded meds are so superior as you suggest, why does the pharma syndicate have
to pay BILLIONS in honoraria to convince the physicians of this fact ?

While you're at it, why is it that the doctors that don't feed on the pharma $$$ trough,
control their patients disease states just as effectively for pennies on the dollar, with Sandoz , Ranbaxy & Teva (to name a few) generics ?

Do you have outcome data that suggests otherwise or is it all hyperbole you would expect from a paid soul less corporate stooge/shill ??????

PS- if branded are SO much better why does Novartis offer substandard medicines via Sandoz ? Why not get out of the 'substandard' business if they are so patient focused ?


They don't HAVE to pay anybody anything moron. They are a for-profit business, just like TEVA is a for-profit business. As such, they choose to spend money to promote their products, just like any business in America does moron. Why does Coke advertise? Private industry tries to be profitable, unlike government which is CONSTANTLY in DEBT.

Hey Corp PR Shill here's a simple question for your simpleton mind to ponder.
If branded meds are so superior as you suggest, why does the pharma syndicate have
to pay BILLIONS in honoraria to convince the physicians of this fact ?

While you're at it, why is it that the doctors that don't feed on the pharma $$$ trough,
control their patients disease states just as effectively for pennies on the dollar, with Sandoz , Ranbaxy & Teva (to name a few) generics ?

Do you have outcome data that suggests otherwise or is it all hyperbole you would expect from a paid soul less corporate stooge/shill ??????

PS- if branded are SO much better why does Novartis offer substandard medicines via Sandoz ? Why not get out of the 'substandard' business if they are so patient focused ?


What I think is HILARIOUS is that the Health Care Insurnace that Novartis PAYS for itself denies the use of their OWN Branded drugs when Generics are available. The way that they get around that is to offer FREE Novartis Drugs to Novartis employees.

What not offer Novartis drugs at Generic prices to everyone whose insurance won't pay for their attempt at fraud?


They don't HAVE to pay anybody anything moron. They are a for-profit business, just like TEVA is a for-profit business. As such, they choose to spend money to promote their products, just like any business in America does moron. Why does Coke advertise? Private industry tries to be profitable, unlike government which is CONSTANTLY in DEBT.

One of the reasons that they are is that they are paying too much for drugs you fucking moron.

What I think is HILARIOUS is that the Health Care Insurnace that Novartis PAYS for itself denies the use of their OWN Branded drugs when Generics are available. The way that they get around that is to offer FREE Novartis Drugs to Novartis employees.

What not offer Novartis drugs at Generic prices to everyone whose insurance won't pay for their attempt at fraud?


I make my personal doctor check the box, which says dispense as written. I get branded meds whenever I want. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Moron?!?!

Novartis the generic whore is always being sued for trying to steal branded drugs before the expiration & turn into these so called worthless generics ...few examples

Novartis should get out of the branded business. Branded is not for generic whores me too copy cat companies.

Novartis the generic whore is always being sued for trying to steal branded drugs before the expiration & turn into these so called worthless generics ...few examples

Novartis should get out of the branded business. Branded is not for generic whores me too copy cat companies.

Or maybe try something novel for them - have a branded business model based on law and ethics. You know, the right way? Instead of inflating their profits at the expense of the patient and US taxpayer why not do what they are supposed to do and develop new and useful drugs?

Wow, what a concept huh? How's that for a capitalism!

Pills are comodities. No one gives a shit about
brand names and these companies
are always getting slapped with FDA violations regardless
like Lincoln Nebraska and it's rat feces
Broken pill and mixed up meds model.
No better than some dump in Calcutta
Last I checked patients on generic Lipitor
And plavix are doing wonderful with fatter
Wallets as a side effect of generic meds.
That's why pharma needs an army of
Paid monkeys waving billions in honoraria
to "convince" doctors otherwise
With sunshine laws and increased govt oversight
these days are coming to a close fast.
The future is for true innovators with novel
therapies not 1950's marketing schemes
current pharma 'leaders' are stuck in since
It's all they know even with their high priced
McKinsey consultants.

Pills are comodities. No one gives a shit about
brand names and these companies
are always getting slapped with FDA violations regardless
like Lincoln Nebraska and it's rat feces
Broken pill and mixed up meds model.
No better than some dump in Calcutta
Last I checked patients on generic Lipitor
And plavix are doing wonderful with fatter
Wallets as a side effect of generic meds.
That's why pharma needs an army of
Paid monkeys waving billions in honoraria
to "convince" doctors otherwise
With sunshine laws and increased govt oversight
these days are coming to a close fast.
The future is for true innovators with novel
therapies not 1950's marketing schemes
current pharma 'leaders' are stuck in since
It's all they know even with their high priced
McKinsey consultants.

Now you can't sue for your crappy, me-too, generic Lipitor...

Mutual Pharmaceutical v. Bartlett, the Court ruled that generics manufacturers are substantially immune from civil claims regarding injuries caused by their products — a decision that eliminates a primary incentive for evaluating safety and design defects before marketing a generic product.

But don't worry, morons on CafePharma claim that generics are just as good as branded. LOL... You morons make me laugh. Thanks.

Pills are comodities. No one gives a shit about
brand names and these companies
are always getting slapped with FDA violations regardless
like Lincoln Nebraska and it's rat feces
Broken pill and mixed up meds model.
No better than some dump in Calcutta
Last I checked patients on generic Lipitor
And plavix are doing wonderful with fatter
Wallets as a side effect of generic meds.
That's why pharma needs an army of
Paid monkeys waving billions in honoraria
to "convince" doctors otherwise
With sunshine laws and increased govt oversight
these days are coming to a close fast.
The future is for true innovators with novel
therapies not 1950's marketing schemes
current pharma 'leaders' are stuck in since
It's all they know even with their high priced
McKinsey consultants.

Let's apply your plus-or-minus 20% percent rule to many other things we use every day:

Can't wait until Boeing and Ford engineers design within a 20% tolerance, cars and plane tickets won't cost anything and will be just as safe!
FDA inspectors should rate food products up or down 20% for fecal matter and chemicals, lettuce will be almost free!
Maybe brain surgeons should operate within 20% of the targeted area, that would save time and drive costs down, just like Obamacare!

Tell you what Nancy, next time you need a seizure med, or Parkinson's, or anti-psychotic, you tell us all how effective and safe +/- 20% is depending on the day you take it, which generic manufacturer it came from and what lot it was from that manufacturer. If you don't like drug prices let's go back to blood-letting, +/- 20% wouldn't mean anything there either would it?

Branded drugs are so great that 'healthcare' drug co Novartis's own employee drug benefit PROHIBITS branded drugs when generics are available because they actually know what a colossal waste of money branded drugs are. You can't find a better indictment than that! ;)

Branded drugs are so great that 'healthcare' drug co Novartis's own employee drug benefit PROHIBITS branded drugs when generics are available because they actually know what a colossal waste of money branded drugs are. You can't find a better indictment than that! ;)

You already cut-n-pasted that worthless response, you sack of repeatin' shit.

Let's apply your plus-or-minus 20% percent rule to many other things we use every day:

Can't wait until Boeing and Ford engineers design within a 20% tolerance, cars and plane tickets won't cost anything and will be just as safe!
FDA inspectors should rate food products up or down 20% for fecal matter and chemicals, lettuce will be almost free!
Maybe brain surgeons should operate within 20% of the targeted area, that would save time and drive costs down, just like Obamacare!

Tell you what Nancy, next time you need a seizure med, or Parkinson's, or anti-psychotic, you tell us all how effective and safe +/- 20% is depending on the day you take it, which generic manufacturer it came from and what lot it was from that manufacturer. If you don't like drug prices let's go back to blood-letting, +/- 20% wouldn't mean anything there either would it?

What's great is after these morons learn that 20% can mean the difference between life and death! it will be too late... And The Supreme Court has ruled that they have no redress.

This website is like arguing with children.