BPO Review


I was flown down to corporate last year for a BPO review in which my manager had said I was falsifying calls(which I wasn't, and had proof). That was about 10 months ago. I now received notification that the review is complete (after 10 months) and they asked me to fly down to hear the results and discuss next steps. Curious if anyone else has had a similar situation?


I was flown down to corporate last year for a BPO review in which my manager had said I was falsifying calls(which I wasn't, and had proof). That was about 10 months ago. I now received notification that the review is complete (after 10 months) and they asked me to fly down to hear the results and discuss next steps. Curious if anyone else has had a similar situation?

Your next step...is.... "You are Fired". Call an Attorney.

I was flown down to corporate last year for a BPO review in which my manager had said I was falsifying calls(which I wasn't, and had proof). That was about 10 months ago. I now received notification that the review is complete (after 10 months) and they asked me to fly down to hear the results and discuss next steps. Curious if anyone else has had a similar situation?

I'm pretty confident that they are not calling you in to apologize and say oopsie....we made a mistake and beg you for forgiveness......

years ago I was called into the gestapo meeting a corporate. It was all b.s. By a previously let go colleague. I answered all their questions honestly and truly and had done nothing wrong. Nothing came of it.... and I never received any follow-up from the boo people... which was less than professional on their part. They could have just made a simple phone call to ask questions.

Now to you situation. Your manager is the one who started the process. That is a clear indication that the manager does not like you or want on the team. It appears you were given 10 months to move on. You should have taken the opportunity then to find other employment. I wo

my guess is you will be let go. They are probably bringing u down to have HR present and your manager. They just don’t want to come to you is my guess.

Just imagine if you invested your money correctly or had a nice side hustle and if they said you are fired and you could say "oh well I don't need this job"

I’ve been flown to Corp twice- first time questioned by the interrogation team- ass holes that could have just called me and saved me a flight.
questioned me on where I was certain days and if I actually saw the doctors I said I did.... Was called back 3 months later, had to fly back in and was told I need to document my shit better in a more timely manner... signed a “warning”sheet that goes on my record.
I think I’m not the usual case- you may get off like I did but I’d say it’s more likely you’re gone. Mine was 2 yrs ago.
Good luck let us know what happens

I was flown down to corporate last year for a BPO review in which my manager had said I was falsifying calls(which I wasn't, and had proof). That was about 10 months ago. I now received notification that the review is complete (after 10 months) and they asked me to fly down to hear the results and discuss next steps. Curious if anyone else has had a similar situation?

Nope, sorry, but good luck!

I was flown down to corporate last year for a BPO review in which my manager had said I was falsifying calls(which I wasn't, and had proof). That was about 10 months ago. I now received notification that the review is complete (after 10 months) and they asked me to fly down to hear the results and discuss next steps. Curious if anyone else has had a similar situation?
This is one of several strategies to get rid of an employee. Among management it is referred to as managing out or positive turnover. Frequent field rides with negative or indifferent reviews are another common practice. Bringing one to EH is meant to intimidate and make it less likely you would bring an attorney. Ask yourself if you still want.to be here. If so, admit nothing. Listen but don't volunteer anything. If they indicate you are falsifying calls, they are.accusing you of.a.crime. It.is called theft of services. I've never it.prosecuted,.but it gives.you 5th amendment protect against.self incrimination or.the right not.to answer questions.

This is one of several strategies to get rid of an employee. Among management it is referred to as managing out or positive turnover. Frequent field rides with negative or indifferent reviews are another common practice. Bringing one to EH is meant to intimidate and make it less likely you would bring an attorney. Ask yourself if you still want.to be here. If so, admit nothing. Listen but don't volunteer anything. If they indicate you are falsifying calls, they are.accusing you of.a.crime. It.is called theft of services. I've never it.prosecuted,.but it gives.you 5th amendment protect against.self incrimination or.the right not.to answer questions.

It’s not a crime, now I’ve heard everything!! Breaking policy maybe but not a crime. It’s definely not a crime when NVS tell you to never use the other choice of No HCP conversation ever. Besides what is the definition of HCP? It’s any medical professional which could be an RN, MA etc..

The entire sales force would be guilty of a crime then! Besides what are you suppose to do make calls everyday until you see enough MDs... you might have to make 20 stops then!! A crime!!! Ha ha !!! Seriously stop!

The first time were there 2 people in the room ? If not they violated their procedures ... read the odd they sent or online under bpo reviews . Also they will not allow a lawyer .

It’s not a crime, now I’ve heard everything!! Breaking policy maybe but not a crime. It’s definely not a crime when NVS tell you to never use the other choice of No HCP conversation ever. Besides what is the definition of HCP? It’s any medical professional which could be an RN, MA etc..

The entire sales force would be guilty of a crime then! Besides what are you suppose to do make calls everyday until you see enough MDs... you might have to make 20 stops then!! A crime!!! Ha ha !!! Seriously stop!

I am afraid you missed the point. Novartis will not call it a crime, but there is a statute called.theft of service. Use this to your advantage to refuse to answer questions. By pointing out that what one is being accused of falls under violation of a law provides you with fifth amendment protection. Yes, it is a stretch and Novartis won't prosecute you for this, Novartis wants a person to say something for which they can be terminated or.asked to resign.

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