BP Saved the day


The label is saved due to BP's efforts. Now that all major issues are removed, I am hoping that the sales team will finally deliver what they are paid for. It would be a shame after a heroic effort by the CEO if the sales team cannot due their jobs. There can be no excuses this time. Step up and man up and deliver the results, like BP did.

Wow, the koolaid is spiked up in Lexington! I've been away from this mess for a while, but it never ceases to amaze me how brainwashed and clueless the home office and management team is. FERAHEME is a BUST. Hellooooo? The drug is a JOKE. Take emotion out of it...use your head. come to your senses, that bird took off a long time ago.

Wow, the koolaid is spiked up in Lexington! I've been away from this mess for a while, but it never ceases to amaze me how brainwashed and clueless the home office and management team is. FERAHEME is a BUST. Hellooooo? The drug is a JOKE. Take emotion out of it...use your head. come to your senses, that bird took off a long time ago.

Then why do we have over 70 plus highly paid sales representatives in the field

BP the CEO is a pompous arrogant greedy individual that cares about no one except himself. He took over $10M last year in stock to line his pockets while when the sales pressure became too much he fired over 80 people to save his own job and those of his fellow Senior VP's. During the massive layoff, not one senior management person lost their jobs! AMAG has about 12-15 VP's for a small company of 180 -200 people! what a joke, anyone left better realize that they will do what they*have to do to make money for themselves not the company. The Board of Directors should have done something to BP rather than the 80 people that lost their jobs. The sales force will be next, half will be let go, small severance loss of benefits etc. good luck

All the brain power in Boston and you have these clowns in charge. This is why we pay management the big bucks to print this crap?

The label is saved due to BP's efforts. Now that all major issues are removed, I am hoping that the sales team will finally deliver what they are paid for. It would be a shame after a heroic effort by the CEO if the sales team cannot due their jobs. There can be no excuses this time. Step up and man up and deliver the results, like BP did.

I wish I could respond to this, but its hard to repsond to stupidity. Even when management is putting this out.

BP saved his own ass and his own money last year when he cashed in over $10M in stock. What is he doing about buying stock lately? He and none of the board have bought squat in a long time! If they believed in the company*they would have bought instead of sold. They are all greedy especially that little weasel. They care about no one except themselves. The BOD is a joke, they should have fired BP over a year ago, no company keeps it CEO when the stock goes from 57 to 13! You can bet your butts that right now they are trying to sell the product and leave everyone out of work so they can collect what is left for them to make themselves some cash. They do not care about any of us, just their greedy selves

How can you blame BP? Its sales responsibility to drive earnings. The stock went from 57 to 14 because of sales. TH took off knowing he hired a mediocre bunch. We have the same product as before so why cant you step up and deliver? Regardless of BP selling shares, sales needs to produce. How does his cash out effect your ability to deliver? I am very confused with your post. Where is GZ these dayes. Stand and deliver

I agree sales is responsible for driving earnings. However, from day one the executive team fumbled this product. Price is the factor with the product. You can argue against this all you want. IF you do, have facts to back this up. The product only moved when BP gave some select SDOs a gift.

Par H is a ......you speak the truth! he is backstabbing, ignorant, and truly does not understand the business. He has fooled Gary Z and especially BP. Some day when they wake up PH will be gone, never to find another job, he is a glorified Division Manager, even in that job he never really made it. Due to his ways, AMAG has lost many great people and that is one fo the reasons AMAG is failing. The person that should have been let go is PH.

PH is the most inept manager that has ever been in the Pharma industry. Try to listen to what he says? he does not ever make any sense. either GZ and BP are as ignorant as him or? maybe they want the company to fail? sad sad day*when Par was promoted to Executive Director, no one else applied for the job and BP handed it to him (Tim did not think he shoudl get it but BP thought differently wonder why?????)he was not even a good sales manager. previous posts tell it like it is. Company would be in much better shape without him.

Allah save us! We have one product, nothing in the pipeline and an inept executive team. We do have cash which we stole from those dump americans at 45 dollars a share back in jan. 2010. Thanks be to Allah!

The number of people that have quit because of Par and his ineptitude is amazing. Yet HR does nothing. Many people have told HR on exit interviews what was going on and why they left, yet HR does nothing, why? The sad truth is as what previous poster has commented on, company would have been much better off without Par.

The number of people that have quit because of Par and his ineptitude is amazing. Yet HR does nothing. Many people have told HR on exit interviews what was going on and why they left, yet HR does nothing, why? The sad truth is as what previous poster has commented on, company would have been much better off without Par.

They keep giving PH even more responsibility. Now he is in charge of trade and pricing??? I guess they rewarded him for the success of the IDN debacle.