Bourla and Susman fail the sniff test


His $5.6 million sale and her $1.8 million sale both occurred on 11/9/20, the same day as the vaccine announcement. While this may have been LEGAL, it doesn't pass the sniff test for the rest of us. Why didn't you sell the day before? We all want that money, but we don't have the same insider information that you have. Shameful.


His $5.6 million sale and her $1.8 million sale both occurred on 11/9/20, the same day as the vaccine announcement. While this may have been LEGAL, it doesn't pass the sniff test for the rest of us. Why didn't you sell the day before? We all want that money, but we don't have the same insider information that you have. Shameful.

You should check the Edgar data as to when they actually filed for the sale. I don't know if it is 1 or 2 months in advance, but I doubt if they knew what the vaccine results would be. I wonder if they even knew when the release of data would be. They might have been simultaneously hedging against a failure as much as a success. Would it be shameful if the vaccine was a failure? I look at the intelligent selection of the vaccine dude Bourla and the installation of Dr. Gottlieb as a director prior to COVID19 outbreak. Shame on the board for their prophetic selections of these two key men for their saving thousands of lives. I'm relieved the world has a proven vaccine.

You should check the Edgar data as to when they actually filed for the sale. I don't know if it is 1 or 2 months in advance, but I doubt if they knew what the vaccine results would be. I wonder if they even knew when the release of data would be. They might have been simultaneously hedging against a failure as much as a success. Would it be shameful if the vaccine was a failure? I look at the intelligent selection of the vaccine dude Bourla and the installation of Dr. Gottlieb as a director prior to COVID19 outbreak. Shame on the board for their prophetic selections of these two key men for their saving thousands of lives. I'm relieved the world has a proven vaccine.

Vaccine will be a dud and we're all gonna die from Covid, that simple

You should check the Edgar data as to when they actually filed for the sale. I don't know if it is 1 or 2 months in advance, but I doubt if they knew what the vaccine results would be. I wonder if they even knew when the release of data would be. They might have been simultaneously hedging against a failure as much as a success. Would it be shameful if the vaccine was a failure? I look at the intelligent selection of the vaccine dude Bourla and the installation of Dr. Gottlieb as a director prior to COVID19 outbreak. Shame on the board for their prophetic selections of these two key men for their saving thousands of lives. I'm relieved the world has a proven vaccine.

Vaccine will be a dud and we're all gonna die from Covid, that simple

It doesn’t matter if the sales order was placed in August, the look is bad across the board. Albert and Pfizer got crushed on Tucker Carlson tonight. It’s all about public perception and the perception is they delayed the data to influence the election.

It doesn’t matter if the sales order was placed in August, the look is bad across the board. Albert and Pfizer got crushed on Tucker Carlson tonight. It’s all about public perception and the perception is they delayed the data to influence the election.

Tucker Carlson is corrupt and looking for a reason to exist now that America has survived the orange phage.

Tucker Carlson is corrupt and looking for a reason to exist now that America has survived the orange phage.

You’re deluded. Tucker is the primary reason Fox wins ratings every night. He reads and/or plays video recordings of almost everything he reports. Listen to his documented time line.
If he’s making it up,prove him wrong. Calling it a conspiracy theory isn’t enough in these times. It’s all verifiable if you pull your head out.

It doesn’t matter if the sales order was placed in August, the look is bad across the board. Albert and Pfizer got crushed on Tucker Carlson tonight. It’s all about public perception and the perception is they delayed the data to influence the election.

Hey Sergei, this is Igor. What's up. You funny.

His $5.6 million sale and her $1.8 million sale both occurred on 11/9/20, the same day as the vaccine announcement. While this may have been LEGAL, it doesn't pass the sniff test for the rest of us. Why didn't you sell the day before? We all want that money, but we don't have the same insider information that you have. Shameful.

Because they planned it that way!

It doesn’t matter if the sales order was placed in August, the look is bad across the board. Albert and Pfizer got crushed on Tucker Carlson tonight. It’s all about public perception and the perception is they delayed the data to influence the election.

Gee, Compliance Training 101 tells us we operate under a "Code of Conduct" and we should be cognitive of how something might look on the front page of the New York Times. I guess damaging the credibility and reputation of Pfizer is now acceptable based upon our leadership. Is this also an a endorsement by the Board for such action?

It doesn’t matter if the sales order was placed in August, the look is bad across the board. Albert and Pfizer got crushed on Tucker Carlson tonight. It’s all about public perception and the perception is they delayed the data to influence the election.

Lets see, we have Sally Susman fund raising for the Democratic party and schmoozing with Pelosi, plus trying to extort money from employees under the Political Action Committee (PAC) that she manages. Everyone in Pfizer knows that if you don't join the PAC, you don't get promoted in HQ. Run with that on Tucker!

We’re always told that we don’t want to do something that will appear on the Wall Street Journal, where the public may view it negatively.
Excellent point... I’ve heard that over and over again and I’ve always operated with that premise in mind. So yeah Albert it may be legal but it’s very damaging to our image. Truly disappointed with this as we end up with a black eye when we should be commended, very selfish and frankly it erodes my confidence in our CEO.

Excellent point... I’ve heard that over and over again and I’ve always operated with that premise in mind. So yeah Albert it may be legal but it’s very damaging to our image. Truly disappointed with this as we end up with a black eye when we should be commended, very selfish and frankly it erodes my confidence in our CEO.

Remember how much money we all made from Viagra. Stuff did not save lives.

Welcome to the real world. Wake up... Pfizer doesn't care about U. Albert is raining dollars on himself. He is out to get as much cheddar as the next mouse. I would also. Hes putting in his time like the rest of us trying to make as much as he can.... Its capitalism at its finest. I want more money too... But there is plenty of cheddar to go around and reps don't get enougj!!!! So throw some dollars to the sales force Albert!! You don't need a survey for that!!!