Bought 2 new MacBook Pros


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  • Wonka   Mar 08, 2011 at 04:04: AM
I never thought I'd see the day I'd buy a Mac. The Mrs. and I have been sharing a crappy laptop and I've been waiting for 13-14" laptops to come with Intel's new Sandy Bridge processor. The one I wanted wasn't slated to be released until summer so I bought 2 new 13" MacBook Pros and went with the upgrade i7 Sandy Bridge processor over the standard i5 Sandy Bridge.

I gotta say, these things are slick.

I never thought I'd see the day I'd buy a Mac. The Mrs. and I have been sharing a crappy laptop and I've been waiting for 13-14" laptops to come with Intel's new Sandy Bridge processor. The one I wanted wasn't slated to be released until summer so I bought 2 new 13" MacBook Pros and went with the upgrade i7 Sandy Bridge processor over the standard i5 Sandy Bridge.

I gotta say, these things are slick.

1st of all, thanks for helping AAPL's stock price - up $15 since the announcement of iPAD 2

2nd, what did you have to pay for each?

I'm retiring this year and will need a new laptop. My dilemma is whether to go PC or MAC.

Years ago the family had a PC and an iMAC. The hardest part of the iMAC for me was having a mouse that didn't have a R & L clicker. Eventually I became ambidextrious (so to speak) and then one of the kids went to college and took the iMAC, we replaced it then the other kid went to college, etc, etc, etc.

I would really appreciate your take on making the switch...

  • Wonka   Mar 08, 2011 at 01:43: PM
Hard for me to say right now Vag, haven't even had it 24 hours yet. I put Mozilla on it, I don't like Safari. How portable do you want it? If your okay with a 15" screen or larger, better value in good PC. In the 13"-14" market with the chip I upgraded to, the MacBook Pro was actually pretty competitive. If you want a 15" or 17" then PC's right now are better value but I'd wait as the new Sandy Bridge processors will be rolling out in more models over the next few months and it is a significant jump in technology.
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Hard for me to say right now Vag, haven't even had it 24 hours yet. I put Mozilla on it, I don't like Safari. How portable do you want it? If your okay with a 15" screen or larger, better value in good PC. In the 13"-14" market with the chip I upgraded to, the MacBook Pro was actually pretty competitive. If you want a 15" or 17" then PC's right now are better value but I'd wait as the new Sandy Bridge processors will be rolling out in more models over the next few months and it is a significant jump in technology.

Sandy Bridge processors will be rolling out in more models over the next few months and it is a significant jump in technology.

In what way?

I never thought I'd see the day I'd buy a Mac. The Mrs. and I have been sharing a crappy laptop and I've been waiting for 13-14" laptops to come with Intel's new Sandy Bridge processor. The one I wanted wasn't slated to be released until summer so I bought 2 new 13" MacBook Pros and went with the upgrade i7 Sandy Bridge processor over the standard i5 Sandy Bridge.

I gotta say, these things are slick.

Macs are awesome machines. First computer I ever owned was a Mac. We now have 3 Macs. One desktop and two Macbooks. Highly recommend them. You have the occasional problem with compatibility but not very often.

  • Wonka   Mar 09, 2011 at 01:59: PM

It's just a new architecture that gives a jump in performance.

For PC laptops, I'd only look at Sony, Lenovo, and Toshiba but they don't have their Sandy Bridge line completely out yet.

When you're ready to buy, let's talk some more.

1st of all, thanks for helping AAPL's stock price - up $15 since the announcement of iPAD 2

2nd, what did you have to pay for each?

I'm retiring this year and will need a new laptop. My dilemma is whether to go PC or MAC.

Years ago the family had a PC and an iMAC. The hardest part of the iMAC for me was having a mouse that didn't have a R & L clicker. Eventually I became ambidextrious (so to speak) and then one of the kids went to college and took the iMAC, we replaced it then the other kid went to college, etc, etc, etc.

I would really appreciate your take on making the switch...

At the risk of unleashing the ire of the "civility police", I will offer this advice.

Asking what computer without any context is a stupid exercise in my opinion.

Before you ask which one you should buy, you should first determine what you want to use it for.

What are your computing needs? Do you only use it for the internet? If so, then processing speed doesn't mean jack squat. Hell, you could just get by with an iPad.

Make a list of what you want your computer to do then see which one best fits those needs.

Otherwise, everyones opinion is worthless to your decision making process.

1st of all, thanks for helping AAPL's stock price - up $15 since the announcement of iPAD 2

2nd, what did you have to pay for each?

I'm retiring this year and will need a new laptop. My dilemma is whether to go PC or MAC.

Years ago the family had a PC and an iMAC. The hardest part of the iMAC for me was having a mouse that didn't have a R & L clicker. Eventually I became ambidextrious (so to speak) and then one of the kids went to college and took the iMAC, we replaced it then the other kid went to college, etc, etc, etc.

I would really appreciate your take on making the switch...

The jump in the AAPL stock price doesn't make sense in light of the limited functionality enhancements of the iPad2 IMO. I love the iPAD, I just don't see the iPAD2 as a significant leap to make current owners upgrade.

The jump in the AAPL stock price doesn't make sense in light of the limited functionality enhancements of the iPad2 IMO. I love the iPAD, I just don't see the iPAD2 as a significant leap to make current owners upgrade.
In spite of the state of the economy we a nation, a world, of consumers and they all want the newest and latest for bragging rights and ego/self esteem boosting.

  • Wonka   Mar 09, 2011 at 06:44: PM
I just don't get the iPad. I'd much rather spend the money on a good small laptop.

I just don't get the iPad. I'd much rather spend the money on a good small laptop.

It goes back to my original point which is it depends on what you want to do. If it is just for internet use the iPad has many advantages over a laptop.

1. Don't have to remove it for TSA
2. Lighter for traveling
3. Boots up much faster
4. Connects to internet faster

Like i said, it just depends. My iPad won't completely replace my laptop yet, but someday it will.

People used to think a laptop would never replace a desktop

1st of all, thanks for helping AAPL's stock price - up $15 since the announcement of iPAD 2

2nd, what did you have to pay for each?

I'm retiring this year and will need a new laptop. My dilemma is whether to go PC or MAC.

Years ago the family had a PC and an iMAC. The hardest part of the iMAC for me was having a mouse that didn't have a R & L clicker. Eventually I became ambidextrious (so to speak) and then one of the kids went to college and took the iMAC, we replaced it then the other kid went to college, etc, etc, etc.

I would really appreciate your take on making the switch...

An IPAD is a must. I must watch porn on the road sometimes, and this is the way to do it. Do I-Pads need to go through the security machine seperately as well?

  • Wonka   Mar 10, 2011 at 02:53: PM
An IPAD is a must. I must watch porn on the road sometimes, and this is the way to do it. Do I-Pads need to go through the security machine seperately as well?

Can't watch as much porn on iPad as you can with a laptop due to lack of flash though.

iPads are slick, but I would only consider something like that if I already had a good laptop and had extra money I could afford a toy for convenient fun. I would probably also wait to see what Android machines come to market since they support flash video.

All an iPad is is a overgrown iPhone / iPod Touch.
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Can't watch as much porn on iPad as you can with a laptop due to lack of flash though.

iPads are slick, but I would only consider something like that if I already had a good laptop and had extra money I could afford a toy for convenient fun. I would probably also wait to see what Android machines come to market since they support flash video.

All an iPad is is a overgrown iPhone / iPod Touch.

I don't watch porn, so that is not an issue for me. The lack of flash availability is somewhat limiting, but not a deal breaker for me.

For me the iPad replaced my netbook. I already have a laptop which does most of my computing at home. Gave up on a desktop a long time ago. I like to keep my work laptop for work, so that is where the netbook came in.

The iPad is far superior to a netbook, since a netbook is only good for the internet anyway.

As I said before, it all depends on your needs. I am seriously considering a Motorolla Xoom but they are a bit pricey right now.

It won't be long before tablets replace laptops

Mr Internet Smartypants is here again folks. Not only does he have the fantasy he knows it all about politics, that has spread to International relations, religion, the stock market and now - computers.

Hey Smartypants, is there anything you're not the expert on?

You creep me out.

Mr Internet Smartypants is here again folks. Not only does he have the fantasy he knows it all about politics, that has spread to International relations, religion, the stock market and now - computers.

Hey Smartypants, is there anything you're not the expert on?

You creep me out.

Aww sweety it sounds like you have a crush on me. Mojo went down that road and it broke her heart to learn I am happily married.

If giving my opinion on an iPad vs a laptop makes me an expert in your eyes sugarbritches then so be it.

If you don't like my posts then don't read them puddin ;)

  • Wonka   Mar 13, 2011 at 01:53: PM
After a few days here with my 1st Mac, I see no reason to go with Mac over Windows except the possibility of better quality hardware.

Every laptop I've owned had the DC jack come unsoldered from the motherboard. Mac with the magnet jack probably won't have that issue.

As far as operating system, I don't see anything any better than Windows 7.

Having been a Microsoft shareholder since the late 80s, I've defended their shitty Windows products as best I could, and I viewed Apple devotees as geeky counterculture type alien beings. Then came Vista. I bought a high end Sony laptop that came with Vista. I used it for the Adobe CS series of Photoshop and Illustrator. Really sucked. Crash after crash after crash, I became a Vista casualty. I was on a trip when I read a review of and tried a MacBook Pro 15 and was astounded how stable and smooth it functioned (and with half the RAM of the Windows laptop). Sent the Vista laptop home, bought the MBP and never looked back. When I got home I replaced my desktop with an iMac 24 which has a display that is astounding. Later bought a Macbook Air for traveling and uploading photos on trips. Have since bought Macbook Airs for the Mrs and both kids. Received an iPad as a gift and really enjoy it for reading the news, but it can't (yet) replace the functionality of the Macbook Air for traveling. No doubt about it though, the iPad will be huge. BTW, the batteries on Mac laptops are great, and they last as advertised. If you do anticipate running out of battery, the charge adapter unit (which works on both 120/240V) is negligible in size and weight...unlike the brickish charger required with most Windows units. Mac can't be beat for travelers.

I've heard many positives about Windows 7, but haven't tried it. Don't see any need to. Mac equipment is superb in it's design and function. My only complaint is that it's not supported very well by Quicken, but that issue is less important since brokerage accounts now days are much more useful than they once were.

Bonus: When you call Mac customer service, you get someone IN the US, and they speak American English.

Another bonus: You don't need Norton antivirus type software that incessantly pops up reminding you how well they are protecting your computer and how important it is for you to upgrade or renew your subscription.