Bottom 20% Will be Cut by February


Now that I am not part of the company I feel to warn the good people at Shire that if your #'s for the year are in the bottom 20% than you need to start looking for a job because KK is out for you. They will not announce this but manager will be given marching orders at the start of the year.

Now that I am not part of the company I feel to warn the good people at Shire that if your #'s for the year are in the bottom 20% than you need to start looking for a job because KK is out for you. They will not announce this but manager will be given marching orders at the start of the year.

Since year end reviews were rushed how will they determine the 20%? You could have not been in the bottom for your year end review but if you have a bad Q4 your overall year could put you in the bottom 20%?

They will look at past 2 years appraisals with most current year weighed more heavily.

Do you know this is happenings for a fact? The amount of change PS and KK are inflicting is unreal. Plus, why would they let go 20% of the sales force right before launching a new indication and leave themselves short handed after JUST having added on reps. Wouldn't it have made sense to let them go prior to the expansion? Also, would they use year end reviews or purely numbers? It is possible to be in the bottom 20% and always have received a CM without having bad reviews. Please elaborate.

Now that I am not part of the company I feel to warn the good people at Shire that if your #'s for the year are in the bottom 20% than you need to start looking for a job because KK is out for you. They will not announce this but manager will be given marching orders at the start of the year.

Quit starting rumors

Do you know this is happenings for a fact? The amount of change PS and KK are inflicting is unreal. Plus, why would they let go 20% of the sales force right before launching a new indication and leave themselves short handed after JUST having added on reps. Wouldn't it have made sense to let them go prior to the expansion? Also, would they use year end reviews or purely numbers? It is possible to be in the bottom 20% and always have received a CM without having bad reviews. Please elaborate.

This absolutely a fact. In my zone the ZD has been reviewing the Top 10 and Bottom 10 on his conf calls and asking RDs for explanations. He fully intends to turn up the heat. It has become a badge of courage for him and has endeared him to KK. I'm sure you can guess who he is.

This is 100% true. I heard it was bottom 10% but it would not surprise me that it is 20%. And by the way that ZD was kept by KK for his "bravery." That ZD is Puss...the reason they are expanding is in with the new and out with the old. Come on people! Open your eyes and stop believing that it is the same old Shire that will take care of you at all costs.

Get your head out of the sand folks. We have been lied to before by Flemming and his Kronies and it is happening again:

1) they are shopping us around again
2) bottom 10-20% will be let go by March as an initiative by KK at the Region level
3) the expansion was to save costs by filling in reps that will take he place of the old
4) the layoff of ZD's was to streamline the company for a buyout and fill in positions by KK and PS's people

1) they care about you
2) the expansion is because things are really safe here long term
3) this new indication will be big
4) we will never lay you off

This rumor is constantly on here. I know my ZD seemed to already be doing this anyway and of course he stayed on. He is a KK favorite! If they are looking at the appraisals for the past 2 years then they could have already made these cuts bc this year was wrapped up at the end of Sept. Why are they waiting...are they waiting to look at year end? It doesn't make sense if more weight is given to this years appraisal than last years because it was only 3 quarters. Please explain. Bottom 20% for either year is a lot of reps. Now if criteria is bottom 20% for both years, then the list just got a lot smaller.

This rumor is constantly on here. I know my ZD seemed to already be doing this anyway and of course he stayed on. He is a KK favorite! If they are looking at the appraisals for the past 2 years then they could have already made these cuts bc this year was wrapped up at the end of Sept. Why are they waiting...are they waiting to look at year end? It doesn't make sense if more weight is given to this years appraisal than last years because it was only 3 quarters. Please explain. Bottom 20% for either year is a lot of reps. Now if criteria is bottom 20% for both years, then the list just got a lot smaller.

Come on people!! The way all the lawyers are sniffing around, Kathy needs to be very careful if she wants to get rid of people. It takes several months of documentation to do it correctly and not put yourself at risk!! Maybe the people already on a plan will be gone in the first quarter.

Come on people!! The way all the lawyers are sniffing around, Kathy needs to be very careful if she wants to get rid of people. It takes several months of documentation to do it correctly and not put yourself at risk!! Maybe the people already on a plan will be gone in the first quarter.

Get rid of me so I can be millions dollars richer like the Novartis class action girls. You would think that she learned from that experience. According to the public record documents she told one women who asked why she was being replaced in one of her top offices that she "did not embrace the team concept and that they needed to have a team building meeting."

If you're stupid enough to believe this kind of fear-mongering nonsense you probably are sitting in the bottom 20% of the sales force. Either way, you deserve to be axed.

Even top reps have a bad year every so often. There are a lot of past presidents club winners in the bottom 20%. Everyone is one managed care change away.

Thats what makes this whole thing a crock of shit. If they put the energy into looking at fair ways to evaluate performance instead of hiding behind a number, whether accurate or not, then we would make progress. Kathy and Perry have no interest in solving for any of this. They are not here for the long haul, its all what can we do now.

Even top reps have a bad year every so often. There are a lot of past presidents club winners in the bottom 20%. Everyone is one managed care change away.

Exactly. ACA helped some states and hurt others. It takes the company 6 months to even realize the effects of managed care changes and other 3 months to adjust because of it. The bottom 20% getting cut is not true. Next quarter there will be a different bottom 20%. Get a life and stop posting BS.