Boston Lab Mess


after a little bit of snow, the f*&king lab has to close? everyone crying like little babies and no leadership or contingency plan? whos working the weekend to make up for the lack of case processing. dont even get me started on the whole f#$king kaizen thing.

after a little bit of snow, the f*&king lab has to close? everyone crying like little babies and no leadership or contingency plan? whos working the weekend to make up for the lack of case processing. dont even get me started on the whole f#$king kaizen thing.

LMFAO!!! KAIZEN! BONZAI!!! Another one of Greg Kelly's idiotic ideas.

When will they learn, the crap from Dell does not work in a lab? Hey Greg: that crap doesn't work at Dell either - Dell is in serious financial trouble - Maybe that's the only thing Dell and Miraca have in common...

LMFAO!!! KAIZEN! BONZAI!!! Another one of Greg Kelly's idiotic ideas.

When will they learn, the crap from Dell does not work in a lab? Hey Greg: that crap doesn't work at Dell either - Dell is in serious financial trouble - Maybe that's the only thing Dell and Miraca have in common...

Ha ha ha...good one!!

Well, he doesn't have anything meaningful to contribute to a conversation about Laboratory workings, so wasting hours of people's time to make them draw on walls and move $hit around is one of the few things he has to make him look "useful".

Proof positive that the more people's time you waste, the more important you are!