Boss employee relationship


What would you do if you had a crush on your superior or employee? I think about them all the time and fascinate too. Our relationship is strictly professional but I’m curious if it could be more? We may or may not both be married.

don’t do it! Keep it platonic. Bad bad idea for many many reasons. If you have genuine strong feelings consider changing jobs before even considering making a move. Just my opinion.

What would you do if you had a crush on your superior or employee? I think about them all the time and fascinate too. Our relationship is strictly professional but I’m curious if it could be more? We may or may not both be married.

Didn’t your dad tell you, “ Don’t crap where you eat” ?
Believe me, it will end badly for both of you......I know. I didn’t listen to my daddy.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this as long as it’s mutual. I had an amazing affair with my manager for a year and then it drifted apart but we remained friends. These things happen all the time. You should express what you feel and if it doesn’t work out just leave. You need to ask yourself. Is there true chemistry there? What are her feelings towards you that makes you feel it’s mutual and what do you like about them?

Most managers have a clause in their contract that prohibits any relationship with a subordinate. Its about ethics. Both persons run the risk of being fired for ethics violations.